HCM5003 Concepts and Leadership Theories in Health and Care Consultancy Portfolio
Assignment Task
You are commissioned to write a leadership consultancy portfolio for an organisation of your choice, where the service is listed on the Care Quality Commission UK (CQC) website as ‘requires improvement’.
Familiarise yourself with the inspection judgement of your chosen organisation and explore the relevant concepts and theories of leadership
Your portfolio should consist of:
An introduction including an analysis of organisational culture and relevant leadership theories
Presentation of the health/care organisation undergoing change, in need of the right type of leadership to drive this change.
- A report on concepts such as selection, recruitment, organisational missions, visions and objectives as well as organisational scanning tools such as PESTEL.
- Advice to the organisation’s board, on the leadership development suggestions decision it should pursue and why. (Approximately 1000 words)You are required to advise the board of directors about what decisions the company should make and why, in order to implement the right type of leadership for organisational improvement so that the subsequent re-inspection would confidently amend the outcome to ‘good’.