Philosophy Question
Assignment Instructions
Link to readings sent after question accepted.
The Week 5 Content Analysis assignment is designed to build understanding of course content by asking you to make connections between readings and course themes.
In your Content Analysis (CA), only use evidence from assigned readings in your responses. Include in-text citations for the sources used. Avoid including lengthy quotes. Instead, paraphrase and explain the relevance and significance of the selected passages in your own words as much as possible. When paraphrasing or summarizing a source, also cite it with an in-text citation. For briefer quotations, use quotation marks when citing words that are not your own. For in-text citations, give the author’s name and the page number, if there is one. You do not need a Works Cited page because you only use course resources.
Word count: 1000 (Max)
- To reference an assigned reading, please include the author and page number: Example: (Engels & Marx, 7).
- Minimum of 4 references. Please note that the minimum of 4 references are for BOTH questions (in total). Also, note that your four references should be from 4 different sources. So, you should avoid quoting different parts of the same reference to have it count.
- Make sure you properly quote your sources.
Assignment Prompt
Choose only 2 out of 4 questions:
- Frederick Engels and Karl Marx begin The Communist Manifesto with the following assertion:
“The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.”
How do you compare this claim to Hanna Arendt’s argument regarding the historical process of expropriation that began with the Reformation, as discussed in “The Vita Activa and the Modern Age”? Explain why or why not. Also, provide evidence from the text and lecture material in your answers. - Compare and contrast Ernst Kapp’s philosophical depiction of the locomotive and electromagnetic telegraph technologies and Martin Heidegger’s depiction of hydroelectric plant built into the Rhine River? Do they agree or differ in their understanding of technology? Also, provide evidence from the text and lecture material in your answers.
- In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1818) we encounter a conundrum about the human condition in ways modern technoscience transgresses the limits of human nature by creating a monster. Do you think Shoshana Zuboff’s critique of surveillance capitalism is comparable to Shelly’s morality tale of technological transgression? Explain why or why not. Also, provide evidence from the text and lecture material in your answers.
- Compare and contrast Donna J. Haraway’s “Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature” with Shoshana Zuboff’s “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Flight for a Human.” Finally, which of the two conceptions of modern technology do you agree with?