ECON-642 Public Economics: Research Project 2


This short Research Project (RP 2), will focus on 1 country of your choice and analyzes the either inequality or poverty.

Each RP has to be between 2,500 and 3,500 words, including cover page, footnotes, references, tables, figures, etc. Further details on the contents and structure of the RPs are provided in a Guidance Note Download Guidance Note. Please note that 20 points (= 20 percent of the maximal 100 points) will be deducted for every day a RP is late. Each student will need to submit her/his RP via Canvas.

B.Structure: Each RP must be structured (and will be graded) as follows:

Cover Page (an incomplete/missing cover page gets 2 to 6 points deducted)

I. Introduction (10 percent of grade)

includes a statement on what your research project is about, focusing on your country.

is supposed to have about 250 words.

Brief Literature Review (20 percent of grade)

Actual Examination (60 percent of grade)

Conclusion (10 percent of grade)

reviews and summarizes the existing literature specific to your topic and your country.

Please see further comments and an example on page 7 of this Guidance Note.

requires some sub-headings (III.1, III.2, etc.).

has to be based on actual data, mostly figures, which you created based on available data, covering 2000-2023 (or the latest year such data is available for your country). 

is supposed to have about 1,500 words.

has to be based on what you examined in your RP, especially the key facts.

do not make general comments related to your topic or your country.

is supposed to have about 250 words.

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