journal 2/ reach and explore/module
Part 1:
Journal 2: Think about privacy. Think about online privacy. Answer the following:
Think about a time when you managed private information. Without giving the details away, answer the following:
- How did you manage such personal information? Please walk through the three parts of Petronio’s theory (Privacy Ownership, Control, & Turbulence). In the process, discuss ownership & disclosure.
- Petronio states that “people control their private information through the use of personal privacy rules” (2016). In the scenario from above, tell me about your privacy rule. What factors played into developing your privacy rules?
- Maheshwari (2018) discusses a lot about online privacy and how our personal lives might be more private with the use of home devices. What do you think about the idea that tech companies could be eavesdropping on our personal lives and using this da to advertise and sell us goods?
Part 1 is due by Sun., Sept. 22nd @ 11:59pm EST
Part 2: Due Sun., Sept. 29th @ 11:59pm EST. Respond to Journal #2 Part 1 with the comment feature by answering the following questions:
- After reading Jackson’s (2020) article, how does videoclassism come into play with disclosing secrets online? Provide an example.
- How do you represent your “self” both on and offline per Suler (2004)? Do both selves align? Provide an example for both.
- Have you ever participated in or witnessed benign or toxic disinhibition online? Explain and cite the reading from this week.
Reach & explore: First, watch the following TedTalk: Next, either pick a PostSecret from and submit a picture of it and use it in your reflection below or reflect on a secret you’ve sent into PostSecret.
- Which secrets stood out to you? Why?
- For those who submitted, how did it feel to submit a secret? Why did you do it?
- Apply two components of Petronio’s Communication Privacy Management (CPM) to your secret. Please be detailed and cite the reading.
- People believe they own and have the right to control their own private information. To what extend do you agree with this statement for online settings? Does it differ for face-to-face?
Module 4:For each chapter readings, please submit a 1-page (double spaced, 12 point, times new roman font) paper discussing concepts included in chapter and how you feel they relate to what you have seen in your own daily interactions with customer service professionals. In addition, please prepare one discussion question and answer regarding the concept dealt within that week’s chapter. It is kind of like a “Review Session” for each chapter we are studying. For this activity, you are expected to come up with ANY ONE DISCUSSION (Short-Answer) QUESTIONS as long as you think the concept is important and provide your answer for that question. Please make your questions a good (and interesting) question by bringing in a real-life example (from your work experience, or another service setting or Youtube video) by applying the knowledge we have learnt for that chapter.