Leadership Interview


Leadership Interview Assignment (4-5 pages)

1. Select an organizational or community leader to interview (external to the college). This person should be someone that is respected and viewed as an effective and/or exemplary leader in an organization. Approve your leader with your professor prior to moving to the next step.

2. Contact the leader and determine a date and time for the interview. This should be an in-person or phone interview, but not an e-mail interview. It is important for there to be dialogue between both parties rather than sending a list of questions through e-mail.

3. Look at the list of questions provided and create three of your own questions you would like answered. Questions should be open-ended (require more than a one-word answer) and relate them to the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership (see PDF in module)

4. Conduct the interview and take notes. Be sure to include the date, time, location, and contact information for the interview.

5. Write up your transcribed interview results and a reflection on what you learned from the leadership interview. The reflection shouldn’t be a repeat of the questions/answers from the interview, but an overview of what you learned and how you can use it in your own leadership experiences. After your reflection, provide an assessment of the experience and how it relates to organizational communication.

6. What you will turn in:

a. All of your interview questions (listed on next page), including your three original questions

b. Transcribed interview (questions and answers)

c. Reflection essay, assessment, and connection to organizational communication (4-5 pages)

Be prepared to share your interview and reflection in class.

Leadership Questions

1. What does leadership mean to you?

2. What strengths do you believe you have as a leader? Weaknesses?

3. What has been your greatest influence as a leader?

4. Leaders make other people feel strong and confident. What do you do to help others feel this way?

5. Do you feel it’s important to delegate? Why or why not? When is a good time to delegate?

6. What are three or four actions you believe are essential to enable others to be successful?

7. What advice do you have for building relationships and trust in an organization?

8. How do you get others to listen to, and follow, you?

9. How do you motivate others to accomplish the goals of the company? How do you motivate yourself?

10. What leadership styles do you know and which do you apply most in your job, and why?

11. Can you describe a situation in which you lead someone to accomplish a goal set forth by the company?

12. What is the toughest decision you’ve had to make as a leader?

Insert your questions here:

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