Pick a city from link and follow guidelines
Imagine you’re a journalist at a newspaper in a large city (you pick the city) and your editor asks you to write a local story about one of the following topics (choose ONE):
- what independent musicians/bands from the area are up and coming
- how singles find one another in the local dating scene
- local charities and what they are doing for their community
- how people achieve healthy lifestyles living in the city
- up-and-coming fashion trends
To begin research on your topic of interest, go to, and put a search term or phrase that is relevant to your chosen topic in the search box. Also, click on your current location to put in the city of your choice.
Try to find a group that is public, relevant to your topic, and has at least 25 members. Spend some time becoming familiar with both group’s meetup site by clicking through the various tabs, reading reviews, comments and posts, looking at events and pictures, etc. Note the following (in 700 words or more):
- Who created this group?
- How many members does it have?
- How often do they meet and for what purpose(s)?
- What information have you already learned that might be useful for your article (i.e can you get a sense of who they are, their opinions, or what they do)?
- If you “met up” with this group at their next event, what questions would you plan to ask of the members?
- Do you think this is a good place to begin your research for this article? Why or why not?
Conclude with a summary paragraph, making 2-3 connections to the week’s readings and concepts and explaining how they applied to this activity. Describe any other thoughts you had about this assignment, including any struggles you might have had with this activity or making connections to class readings. some connections from the reading is bonding capital and briding capital. Bonding Capital refers to the strong ties and close relationships formed within homogeneous groups, where members share similar backgrounds, values, and experiences. This creates a deep sense of trust and loyalty but can lead to insularity and resistance to outside ideas.
Bridging Capital, on the other hand, involves weaker ties between diverse individuals or groups. These connections provide access to different perspectives and ideas, promoting innovation and collaboration. However, the relationships may lack depth and emotional support, which can lead to feelings of disconnection.