Research Proposal for public budgeting
Assignment: Research Proposal for Public Budgeting & Financial Mangt.
Each student should submit his/her own Research Proposal (with a title) for this course. The proposal should be two/three pages (500 words) long and should contain a focused and pointed title. Title should read like a statement, so that one can understand about your research by reading the tile. You should explain in your proposal: what type of research you are doing; what you intend to work; and expected findings from your research.
Please ask some investigative questions and develop a plan of action, and how you will do the research. The research process must include investigating a budgeting/financial issues in Federal (Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, Stimulus Packages, Infrastructure Act, Inflation Reduction Act, Affordable Care etc) or State (Education, Criminal Justice, or health care etc) agencies. The Research paper may also be written on topic/issue that you find very interesting from your required text books in the syllabus. Objective should be to understand & analyze topic/title you are suggesting in your proposal. Make a plan to interview some high or mid-level officials connected to your research. You should also collect information, data, funding priorities, and future forecast/vision of that entity. In short your research should have some understanding of real world practice about public finance/mangt and how they are affecting the citizens. You have lot of flexibility but you need to do a professional job. In short work effectively.