Sociology Question


Enact a specific behavior that is “doing gender” differently than you normally “do.”

This will mean you will enact a behavior that is generally considered socially inappropriate for your gender (man) among the type of people you normally interact with—such as family, friends, other students. As long as you enact a specific behavior that is “doing gender” differently than you normally “do” you can write about it for this essay. After the experience of “doing gender” differently, write an essay about the experience.

You can center this assignment around an experience that I had which relates to this assignment’s request:

Following a family dinner, the women of the family got up following the meal and cleaned the table and the dishes, and I followed suit and assisted them with the cleaning, and received scrutiny from men in my family at the table, making claims such as “thats a woman’s job” and “you’re not supposed to do that”.

You must do the following things:

1) Describe what you did to “do gender” differently.
2) Discuss the experience in the context of class lectures and readings. You must use concept, theories, and/or terms from the class and use them correctly.
3) Answer these five questions:
1. Before the experience, did you predict that you might be held
“accountable” for “doing gender”?
2. How did others actually react to your actions? Were you held
“accountable” for “doing gender

3. Do you think that the thing that you did differently is associated with gender inequality? Why or why not?The introduction chapter to the textbook may be especially useful to you for thinking about this.

4.How does the “multi-level model of gender” relate to your experience?

5. Did you learn anything about gender in this exercise?

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