2-part policy analysis memo
Problem description: Invasive carp in the Chicago River threaten to invade Lake Michigan
Policy intervention: Proposed state and federal funding to install deterrents at Brandon Road Lock and Dam
Policy analysis Part 1: Problem identification and assessment criteria (16 pts)
In this assignment, you will also do some additional research – find 1 or more additional sources (these may include other news articles, policy documents such as administrative code or program descriptions, or peer-reviewed journal articles) to better understand the Natural Resource/Environmental (NRE) problem, policy, and values at stake. You will then write a memo that draws on what you read in Cubbage Ch. 4 “Policy Analysis and Criteria for Decisions.” Your memo will describe the problem and the policy intervention proposed or implemented to address it. Then you will use two relevant criteria to assess the policy and identify an appropriate data source you could use for assessment. Data source examples discussed in class include:…,,, https://habitatsuitabilitymodeling-natureserve.hub…, Finally, you will give a recommendation.
Formatting: Please write in memo format (see optional template below). You are writing as a policy analyst for a large NRE organization that is considering legislative advocacy on this policy issue (for the purposes of this assignment, choose an organization that seems most relevant to the issue; examples include.,,,
Address your memo to the organization’s director of policy advocacy. The memo should be approximately 4 pages in length (double spaced) and follow the written assignments format described in the syllabus. Because this assignment will be written in memo format, you may consider strategic use of section headers and bullet points to highlight key information (these do not need to be double spaced). A reference list at the end should include the original article and your 1+ additional sources in APA format. Check out these memos as examples of this type of writing (but note that these are external memos whereas yours are internal)…,…
Your memo should address the following:
(2 pt) Summarize the NRE problem.
(2 pt) Describe the policy intervention (description should include the entity creating the policy and the entity implementing it (these may be different) and how the policy works (does it incentivize behavior? regulate? acquire land? etc…).
(3 pts) Choose an assessment criterion from those described in Cubbage Ch. 4 that is most relevant to the issue (e.g., ecosystem services, market efficiency, equity). Explain why you chose that criterion for your case, then assess the extent to which the policy intervention meets this first criterion, based on the information you have. Finally, identify and explain at least one type of primary data you would need to conduct a thorough assessment.
(3pts) Choose one other assessment criterion. Explain why you chose that criterion for your case, then assess the extent to which the policy intervention meets this second criterion, based on the information you have. Finally, identify and explain at least one type of primary data you would need to conduct a thorough assessment.
(3 pts) Finally, give your opinion: did the policy response you read about adequately address your two criteria? If not, what changes to the policy should your organization advocate for to make it meet these criteria?
(3 pts) Correct formatting and style
At least 3 (the two we gave and 1+ additional) sources cited in APA style. (1 pt)
Minimal typographical or grammatical errors (1 pt), followed formatting rules and paper is well-written (e.g., flows well, clearly laid out, etc.) (1 pt)
Total: 16 pts
Policy analysis Part 2: Stakeholder assessment and engagement (14 pts)
In this assignment, you will build on the analysis you began in Part 1, continuing with the same topic and articles from Part 1, but you may add 1-2 additional sources, as needed, to support your assessment. Assuming you are in the same organizational position as before, your memo will first present a rainbow analysis (described in lecture) to identify what stakeholders affect and are affected by the NRE problem (there should be at least 5 stakeholder groups identified, including those involved in creating the policy intervention(s)). Then, for each of the affected stakeholder groups, you will assess where they fall on Arnstein’s Ladder of Citizen Participation and justify why you think they are in that position. Finally, you will make a recommendation about whether the policy intervention and/or policy process should be changed with respect to community engagement.
Formatting: Use the same instructions for Part 1 (with the addition of the Rainbow Diagram figure). The memo should be approximately 4 pages in length (double spaced) and follow the written assignments format described in the syllabus. You can use the memo template below. For this part, you have the option to add an additional source to help understand how different stakeholder groups are affected by or involved in the process of the policy. For instance, an environmental group might post a policy position on their website that explains their stance.
Your memo should address the following:
(1 pts) Briefly remind the reader of the NRE problem and policy.
(5 pts) Using the rainbow diagram template above, fill in the positions of relevant affecting and affected stakeholders (at least 5 groups, with at least 2 affected non-governmental stakeholder groups). Then clearly explain in the text why you placed each group in the particular place in the diagram.
(2 pts) For each of the affected groups identified, assess which position you think they are in on Arnstein’s Ladder of Citizen Participation and justify why you think they are in that position. Note: Arnstein’s ladder focuses on non-governmental stakeholder power, so only include non-governmental affected groups for this portion of the analysis.
- (3 pts) Make a recommendation about whether your organization should advocate for the policy intervention and/or process to be changed with respect to community participation. For instance, should there be additional opportunities to bring certain groups into the dialogue? Remember, not all policies need to have complete citizen control—your recommendation on participation should be appropriate to the problem and type of policy.