Math227 Mini Project:Creating Survey



The purpose of these assignments is to enhance your understanding of the material and give you an opportunity to see the applications of what we are studying in this course. In this assignment, you complete the mini-project and submit the report.

Assignment Objectives

This assignment is designed to support the following Learning Objective(s):

Describe and define basic statistical concepts including the basic vocabulary, sampling and experimental designs, distribution shapes, and the proper and improper use of statistics in a variety of applications.


There are two ways to collect data – sampling and experimenting. While learning how to design experiments is outside of the scope of this course, sampling via surveys is something that we can learn and practice in this course. As previously discussed, there are two main types of data – qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative data can be further divided into categoricaland ordinal data. The quantitative data can be further divided into discrete and continuous. In this class, we further divide the discrete data into small and largediscrete data based on the number of possible values. For example, the number of kids per household is small discrete because the number of kids may range from 0 to maybe 10 which allows 11 possible values. On the other hand, the age of the oldest person per household is large discrete because the age may range from 18 to 100 which allows 83 possible values. Datasets can also be referred to as statistical variables, and therefore we classify statistical variables into 5 types: categorical, ordinal, small and large discrete, continuous.

  1. For this assignment, I would like you to do the following:

Choose a theme/topic and the population of interest within the theme/topic. For example, as an educator, I am interested in education in general and my students in particular. My theme would be education and my students would be the population of interest.

Think of 5 statistical variables of different types (categorical, ordinal, small and large discrete, continuous) that you would like to consider while studying the population of interest. For each statistical variable, provide

the type.

the name for the data set.

the question that you can ask to collect such data.

the units (if applicable).

examples of a few values that you would anticipate from the survey.

Create the report using the template and the example provided below.

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