Social Media Analysis


Write 500 words to answer all question in this case study.

Case study for INDIVIDUALwrite-up

You have been hired as a digital marketing consultant to advise Panetta Mercato, whose website can be found at: Homepage – Panetta Mercato

This company is seeking your suggestions on how to use social media analytics to affect behaviour amongst their current and potential future customers towards positivebusiness outcomes.

Answer all questions below by providing responses that are specific to Lift Inner West and offering concrete, actionable recommendations. Generic answers will receive a low mark.

You must type your answers below within this Word document and upload this file to MyKBS. Do not delete or alter this document, such as adding a cover sheet or table of contents into this document – if you do so, you will fail this assessment.

Answer all questions

1) In your opinion, what is the single greatest opportunity that Panetta Mercato has in using social media analytics to improve their business? Justify your response.

2) How does Panetta Mercato learn about whether their service is perceived well or poorly by consumers, and what social media analytical techniques can be used to measure this?

3) How do customers who have purchased Panetta Mercatoservice share their opinions about it on social media with other people, and what can Panetta Mercato do to measure this type of activity occurring on social media?

4) What are the most important ethical issues that Panetta Mercato must consider in using social media analytics towards improving their business?

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