Sociology Question
Write a critical literature review based upon the topic “The Impact of Gender Roles and Norms on Marriage Dynamics”. This study focusses on answering the following research questions: 1. Does bias in gender role have an impact on the formation of marriage in China 2. Does employment status affects the relationship between gender role bias and marriage formation 3. Does educational attainment affect the relationship between gender role bias and marriage formation
Include a discussion of the following elements in the literature review :
the theoretical debates and/or policy context in which the research is located;
Identify and discuss the relevant key landmark studies on the topic
- the results of relevant studies and the adequacy of the research design undertaken;
- How is the literature relevant to your research project (which position or perspective does it represent in the debates related to the research question? Which questions does it answer, and what gaps does it leave unanswered to pursue?
- Discuss some studies in more detail e.g. ones particularly pertinent to your research or which you are developing from/critiquing
- A literature review critically accounts for published work on a particular topic. The main purpose of the literature review is to demonstrate the awareness and familiarisation of the knowledge and debates established on the topic, their strengths and weaknesses, and gaps in the literature. The literature review must be constructed around a guiding concept (such as your research objective/question and the problem or issue you are discussing). A literature review is a critical and analytical account – Not a descriptive list or simply a set of summaries of the material available.
- Please also:
– Group the writing into the themes that feature within/are relevant to research questions
– Think about the thematic sub-headings and the order in which it is best to discuss them.
– Include as much up-to-date material as possible
-Be analytical, evaluative and critical in your review and show how your arguments emerge from this analysis
-Use extracts, examples, illustrations to justify your analyses and argument