Business Question
There are a variety of uses for analytics in the sports business. From player development to business development, organizations use analytics to improve performance in an effort to sustain their brands and garner revenue. These concepts will be further discussed throughout the course. The purpose of this assignment is to research a variety of career opportunities in sports analytics and develop a plan to attain a dream job. Complete a 1100-word paper that responds to the following.
A variety of career opportunities exist in the sports analytics field. Refer to job search sites (in the study materials) to become more familiar with the diverse positions in the industry.
1. Choose a career path in sports analytics that would be ideal for you (this cannot be an entry-level position). Describe the career of choice in full detail. Maybe something related to marketing or statistician or dietitian. The chosen team will need to be either the Dallas Cowboys or the Denver Broncos. Once chosen, please let me know the team so i can forward the info to the instructor. Use at least 4 academic sources, from 2018 onwards.
2. Review the organizational structure of the sports analytics department of a specific team of your choice. Summarize the way the team has structured its sports analytics positions.
3. Develop an action plan to obtain this career. Include specific steps that would need to be taken. For example, cite specific prior experiences, education, or internships that may be required to obtain this career.
4. Identify a professional within your career of choice and conduct an interview or research an industry leader to determine how they attained their job.
5. Reflect on your current priorities and describe the impact they have on your career decisions.
6. Reflect on your personal limitations that would impact your success in this career and describe your plans for improvement, so that you can strengthen your marketability as a professional.
7. Describe the drawbacks of your chosen career.