criminal justice
please respond to Perla with 150 words
Beyond a reasonable doubt is the term used in courts that is used when there is no doubt and the evidence is sufficient enough to determine whether or not someone is guilty of a crime. It is used as the highest standard of conviction, so people can not be convicted unless there’s an undeniable amount of evidence that proves their guilt. Of course the evidence has to be overwhelming, so compared to ‘a preponderance of evidence,’ it is practically only tipping the scale a little bit. It basically shows that out of 100 percent, 51 percent is only necessary for something to be ‘a preponderance of evidence,’ but it can not be convincing enough for jurors sometimes.
Considering how difficult for it for prosecutors to achieve the standard of ‘beyond reasonable doubt,’ is incredibly difficult and unreasonable to have every case come out with that outcome. Also sometimes, cases do not have to be proven beyond reasonable doubt because there can also be times where it is not necessary or the evidence being used against the defendant is not just. For me, burden of production seems to be the most important part of any case, evidence needs to be present in order for either party to actually prove what they’re saying is true.