produce a powerpoint informed by the material found in the assigned readings and answer the following question
Course code and name: BUSM4559
Assessment name: Reflection on Reading(s)
Weight: 20%
Assignment due date: The PowerPoint is due at 11:55 pm (Singapore time) on Friday of week 5 (16 August).
Please note that
- Because Canvas functions on Australian time that the time is set at 02:55 hours Australian time (23:55 Singapore time)
- Penalties will be applied for late submissions
- The assessment will normally be marked within 2 weeks
Length: 1000 words
Students are expected to read and reflect on the three assigned required readings. Students will produce a PowerPoint informed by the material found in the assigned readings and answer the following question:
What will jobs of tomorrow look like and how should business graduates prepare for them?
Each student will be expected to produce a PowerPoint of no more than 10 slides and use the notes section of your PowerPoint to write an explanation of each slide as if you were presenting the presentation orally. Your written explanation (i.e. notes) should be 1000 words with Harvard-style in-text referencing when referring to the assigned readings. Please include a reference list as your last slide (the reference list will not be included in the word count nor the words on the actual PPT slides).
Assessment criteria will be:
- Ability to evaluate and critically reflect on the set readings
- Ability to identify the different perspectives on the changing future of work and how changing business practices are impacting on work and employment and skills demand.
- Ability to identify the main issues/arguments presented in the readings.
- Ability to apply these different perspectives and arguments to understand how changes to the world of work and skills may impact on young people
- clarity of PowerPoint and written explanation of each slide.
Can you please covert your PPT (with notes) into a word document and submit your assignment as a Word file. This will make it much easier for us to provide feedback. The process for converting PPT to Word is quite simple. Please follow these steps:
- Open PowerPoint File in PowerPoint. …
- Click File> Export > Create Handouts.
- The Send to Microsoft Word dialog box will open.
- Choose page layout from options given.
- Choose how you want slides added to your word document.
- Click OK.
In some of the newer versions of PPT the steps are slightly different. Here are the steps:
- Open PowerPoint File in PowerPoint. …
- Click File> Save and Send > Create Handouts.
- The Create Handouts dialog box will open.
- Choose page layout from options given.
- Choose how you want slides added to your word document.
- Click OKLearning Objectives Assessed:This assignment assesses Learning Objectives:
- CLO1: Demonstrate an understanding of the way in which the globalisation of economic exchange and production is reshaping the nature of work;
- CLO3: Critically examine and assess the impact of different management practices on workers and the nature of work;
- Ability to evaluate and reflect on the set readings and video material
- Ability to identify the different perspectives on the changing future of work
- Ability to identify the main issues/arguments presented in the readings and video material
- Ability to apply these different perspectives and arguments to your own job experiences or future job expectations
- Clarity of PowerPoint and written explanation of each slide.