Part 1;
Report needs to be 8-10 pages, double spaced, 12-point font, APA format. NEED COMPLETED BY 8/6/24 EARLY AFTERNOON IF POSSIBLE
Your task is to research the legal and ethical issues associated with this situation and write a report to the vice president answering the following questions:
- What legal theories might Mark use to try to legally enforce Edward’s promise? Explain the elements of these theories and how they apply to the facts of this scenario.
- If Mark were to file a lawsuit and win, what sort of damages or other remedies might he be entitled to? Include your reasoning and any evidence that led you to your conclusions.
Finally, regardless of the legal implications, the vice president would like your view on the ethical issues. Does Turnip Plaza have an ethical obligation to fulfill the promise made by Edward to Mark? Is it right to lay off Mark under these circumstances? What should Turnip Plaza do from an ethical perspective? Use ethical theory and principles to analyze these questions
First, find the necessary information about contract formation and execution.Then, look into possible contract remedies for when a breach of contract occurs.After you have refreshed your understanding of contract law generally, you should supplement that understanding by doing legal research on specific laws related to contracts in Michigan. Again, make sure to take notes as you read. Good notes will help you write your report.Thinking over this case, put some of your focus on Edward Griffin’s role in this situation with Mark Piper. More specifically, consider whether Edward had the authority to make the promise he made (or any promises) to Mark.Review the legal responsibilities of agents and employees to help formulate your answer. You should also review ethical business decision making, as it pertains to keeping promises in business situations and the ethical questions I have asked you to consider.——-I HAVE ATTACHED THE SCENARIO AND LEARNING TOPICS—–PART 2:The discussion post for the International Legal Challenges needs to be completed by 8/10/24.You begin by researching international law, international contracts, an introduction to alternative dispute resolution, and international dispute resolution.DISCUSSION WITH COLLEAGUESNow that you’ve gathered and analyzed information on the International Legal Challenges case file, Vice President Dodger would like you to discuss your thoughts with the other members of his special investigations team. He sends you two requirements for this discussion:
First, each participant is to post an initial response to at least two of the five questions noted in the International Legal Challenges file. This should be completed during Week 5 and should meet the following requirements:Include a specific recommendation of what action, if any, the VP should take based on your analysis and conclusions.Support your conclusion with references to legal principles and laws.These posts can be as long or as short as you need in order to effectively make your points.——-I HAVE ATTACHED THE SCENARIO AND LEARNING TOPICS—–