Social Science Question
Review the following case study and answer the questions that follow:
James, a 14-year-old African American male, lives with his 31-year-old single mother and 8-year-old sister in a public housing project on the outskirts of town. James’s mother works in a local fast-food resturant and has no health insurance. As a freshman in high school, James is experiencing a great dealof anxiety about fitting in with his classmates, often feels sad, is not sleeping well, and is falling behing in his course work because of his lack of motivation and problems concentrating. Like many of his friends, James is experimenting with alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs and has recently become sexually active. He had unprotected vaginal sex at a party the previous week, and for the past two days, has been experiencing a fire-like burning during unination. James is worried that he might have an STD, but he has no idea of where to go for help. He is very uncomfortable and does not want to go to school, yet he feels that there is no way he can let his mom find out about his condition.
James is fortunate in that he attends a school with a school-based health center that offers comprehensive services. On the urging of his best friend, who has had several good experiences at the center, James drops by the center for a visit over his lunch hour. Because his mother signed an enrollment form for the health center when James entered high school, he is able to receive confidential services without the center contacting her. A nurse practiitioner sees him initially for assessment and medical treatment of his STD. The social worked also conducts an initial psychosocial assessment and schedules a time to meet with James the next day. She plans to follow-up with concerns about school and his feelings of sadness and to learn more about his recent drug and alcohol use and sexual behavior. James has given the social worker permission to access his school records and to talk with his teachers and school counselor. The social worker will be able to contact other staff at the health center for assistance in evaluating James and providing him with needed services.
1. What would most likely happen to James if a school-based health center did not exist in his school?
2. How would he find out to get care?
3. Where would he receive care?
4. How would he pay for the care?
5. Research and discuss if schools in your area have health care centers on site. What would be the hurdles for a school district to develop health care centers. Many schools have a nurse on staff, but the nrurses on staff do not rovide medical interventions, usually only making referrals.