1936 Berlin Olympics
1. The 1936 Berlin Olympics are often described as “the Games that changed the Olympic Games.” That is, they are described as being totally different from the Olympic Games that preceded them. Did the 1936 Berlin Olympic Games mark a significant break from the modern Olympic Games that preceded them (1896-1932), or do you think they were actually more similar to (that is, a continuation of) these earlier Olympic Games? Explain your reasoning. Please note: A compelling essay will not just explore the 1936 Berlin Games; it will explicitly compare and contrast the Berlin Games with the Games that came before them. Also, though you are welcome to discuss sporting events, themselves, the essay should concentrate on the main themes of our course thus far. For a reminder of those themes, see the section “Course Themes” on pp. 1-2 of the syllabus. An outstanding essay (1) will have a clearly stated argument that explicitly answers one of the above questions; (2) will support that argument with evidence drawn from class meetings and readings (textbook, secondary source essays, and primary-source documents) (note: any essay that attempts to answer question #1 without using the Barbara Keys essays will be lacking. it will consider counter-evidence—that is, it will include at least one paragraph in which you explore why one might answer the question counter to the way you are, but then explain why your interpretation is more compelling. Formatting Guidelines: Your essay should be 4-6 pages in length. Your essay must be typed, double-spaced, use 12-point font (we suggest Times New Roman), and have one-inch margins. Give your essay a title—though no title pages please. In the upper-left corner of your essay, include three single-spaced lines with: (1) your name; (2) the class number; and (3) the date you are turning in the essay. 14 Make sure your essay has page numbers. At the end of your essay, please type the words “Honor Code” and then type your name. Please use Chicago/Turabian style footnotes in your essay. I have posted a Footnote Guide on Sakai to help you with the formatting. If you have questions beyond that, please come and see me or your Teaching Assistant (please note that you do not need to footnote information that comes from lecture). I have also posted on Sakai a two-page writing guide, “How to Write a Compelling History Essay.” I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you review this guide no matter how many history essays you have written. Neither your TA nor I will read drafts. Instead, we will gladly have a conversation with you about what you want to write, the evidence you plan to use, etc. We are here to talk about persuasive writing and global history. ONE FINAL NOTE: You do not need to do any outside research for this essay—though, of course, you are welcome to. The lectures, textbook, and assigned document readings provide plenty of material for you to construct a persuasive essay. But if you do use “outside” information, make sure to footnote where that information comes from.