20th century world history
Get some information from text book: Wiesel, Ellie. Night. Hill and Wang, 2006.
The Essay Topic:
How might we consider World War I as an outgrowth of the age of imperialism and nationalism? Compare and contrast the experiences of the non-Western peoples of China, Japan, and the Arabian peninsula. What was the nature of the participation of these peoples during the war? What were these peoples’ experiences in the prior two decades which shaped and affected their views of the western imperial powers going into WWI? Did they have hopes raised that their conditions might improve as a result of the war? How might their postwar experiences have matched those hopes and their attempts to adjust to their circumstances in the early 20th century?
Not providing proper citations will be regarded as plagiarism and a violation of the honor code, so please be very careful.
Remember that you are making an argument, trying to persuade as if I don’t know anything about American history. In order to do so, you will need ample detail (people, places, events, dates, etc.) to make your case. You are telling the reader, “I’m not just arguing this position on the topic. I’m going to prove it with this generous amount of detail. You will need to fully cite that source, using The Chicago Manual of Style.