A critical analysis of the progress being made towards sustainable development
Subject: Innovation and Sustainability
Report structure
The structure of the report should be as follows;
1) Introduction (indicative word count 200 – 400)
Present the purpose of your report, what is in the report and the main conclusions.
2) The Problem. A description of the SDG you have chosen to analyse.
(indicative word count 600 – 800).
This section should include a description of the SDG and why you consider it to be an important goal. Why is it important to you, to us, to humanity? What are the consequences of not attaining this goal, how did we get here
3) The Soliton. A critical analysis of an industry’s progress towards reaching this goal.
(indicative word count 600 – 800).
Here are number of points and questions that you may want to consider for this section. Please do not consider them as a checklist as some will apply to some goals/industries and not to all.
Many companies say that they are contributing towards this goal or that goal, but a lot of this is just public relations.
Is it possible to measure their progress using clear benchmarks and base years (Sustainability reports are good sources of information for this)?
Has a company or companies in this industry innovated in any way to contribute? In what way?
Are there any collaborative efforts between different actors (eg NGO’s, governments etc.)?
Has the innovations and strategies employed lead to an increase in a companies profits?
Can we evaluate the success or failure in terms of the triple bottom line?
You should use recent examples from different companies in that industry.
4) Conclusion (indicative word count 200 – 400)
Here you should summarise the main findings of your report (are we making progress towards this goal, are companies really working towards it?), plus some future perspectives (what are the chances of reaching the target in the future? What will happen if we don’t etc.).
5) Bibliography.