A Perfect Crime, a novel from contemporary China


For the next couple of weeks, we will read A Perfect Crime, a novel from contemporary China. Some of you might know, open criticism of the conditions in China often leads to severe persecution and harassment by the state. Certain literary genres allow writers to side-step this kind of censorship. We have already seen in “Folding Beijing” some of these strategies.

In this novel, the author, A Ying, puts the protagonist in a specific environment–a military base. Think about the reality of living in this kind of highly disciplinary and regimented environment. Do you think this is an allegory and if so how would you explain it? How does the protagonist feel about his future prospects in this kind of environment? Once you have deciphered this, you will be able to understand what the writer is trying to say about China today.

Please answer the following questions:

1. How would you describe the society that the protagonist lives in?

2. What do you think drives the protagonist to commit the murder? What does his victim represents to him?

3. What role do you think the adults play in this novel? Choose one or two of these individuals and describe what they represent to the protagonist and the world he lives in.

4. In general, what do you think A Ying is trying to say about contemporary China? What do you think about A Ying’s strategy of using a “crime story” to talk about China, making the protagonist a criminal?

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