Action Research Mastermind Reflection Assignment
Continued practice with your OD skills will help refine your craft and make you a more effective consultant. As a participant in a Mastermind group, you had the opportunity to collaborate with your colleagues to work toward solving a problem. What OD skills made this collaboration effective? What do you see as the pros and cons to a Mastermind group?
If you have never participated in a Mastermind session before, the experience was likely both helpful and challenging. You may have received beneficial advice as well as some candid critiques. This is precisely the goal of the Mastermind model.
In this weeks Discussion, you review and reflect on your Mastermind group interactions and evaluate the efficacy of this process.
Ornstein, H., & Baum, N. (2012). A mystical evening with the bright future of our profession. Podiatry Management, 31(2), 185. Retrieved from
To prepare:
Review this weeks Learning Resources on the coaching process and meet with your Mastermind group to discuss each participants personal goal/objective.
Post a response to the following:
Reflect upon and discuss the results of your Mastermind group with the coaching process in mind.
Based on your Mastermind group and the Learning Resources you read in Week 9, discuss how you used coaching techniques and methods to support your Mastermind group members.
What goal did you present?
What types of probing questions were asked of you?
How did the team support/assist you?
What were the results of your Mastermind?
Were you able to accomplish the goal you shared with your group? If not, what proactive steps are you taking, based on the input from your Mastermind team, to achieve your goal?
How will you continue to hold each other accountable?