Anatomy and Physiology II
Week 2- Biology other assignments
1stassignement: Please response to the following 2 posts. 125 words required for each.
1st post: Lung cancer: The Beginning, Progression, And How It Exerts Its Lethal Effects
Metastasis in lung cancer stands out as one of the multifaceted processes. Lung cancer mainly happens when lung cells mutate and grow unconditionally, clustering together to form a tumor. In most cases, these cells change due to exposure to the dangerous chemicals that people breathe. Lung cancer falls in two main types of lung cancer, and another falls in the category of non-small cell lung cancer. The more common of the two is the non-small cells.
According to the Lung Cancer Organization, this kind of cancer results from the uncontrolled growth of the abnormal cells in both or one lung (Lung Cancer Organization, 2019). These abnormal cells fail to carry out normal lung cell function and do not develop into healthy lung tissues. According to the lung cancer genetic basis, the body has the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) materials that are affected by the mutation. Once a mutation affects the cell DNA, it brings about an error in the lung cells’ duplication. However, before becoming cancerous, it undergoes a number mutation on the cell DNA. Thus, before turning to be fully cancerous, these cells can be precancerous. In this case, they have undergone mutations, but they are functioning normally. The continuous genetic mutation passes the abnormal genes leading to the formation of the new cells, which have the DNA error. Continuous mutation ends up affecting the functionality of the lung cells. As the disease progresses, Popper (2016) notes that it leads to metastasis, which is the lethal stage affecting the lymph nodes and other body parts.
According to the British Colombia University study, the leading cause of lung cancer is smoking and, in some cases, happened even to people who have never smoked. These are as a result of second-hand smoking, radioactive dust, asbestos, or radon. Also, those exposed to radiation at the workplace or other places have a higher likelihood of developing cancer. Symptoms include wheezing, coughing, chest pain, shortness in breath, and bloodstains in a cough.
Critical thinking
The use of the CT scan and the chest X-rays will help in the diagnosis of the condition. Other small laboratory tests will be used at rational stages to test for cancer progression and its progress. Treatment will involve chemotherapy, surgery, radiations of a combination of these therapies. Immunotherapy and targeted therapy will be applied, as well. Stopping smoking and avoiding people who are smoking will help in preventing a higher percentage of infections.
Lung Cancer Organization. (2019). Lung Cancer 101 | Lungcancer.Org.
Popper, H. H. (2016). Progression and metastasis of lung cancer. Cancer and Metastasis Reviews, 35(1), 75–91.
2nd post: Describe the components and physical properties of blood; describe in general terms how blood is produced.
The blood consists of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma. Red blood cells (RBCs), known as erythrocytes, are shaped as a disc. Like other cells, they do not need a nucleus or mitochondria, because they do not reproduce (Saladin Gan, & Cushman, 2018). RBCs are responsible for carrying and delivering oxygen throughout the body. They also transport carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs (Saladin et al., 2018). RBCs live for approximately 120 days. White blood cells (WBCs), known as leukocytes, are the least abundant component within the blood. White blood cells are larger than red blood cells and appear purple under a microscope. They only live for a few hours within the blood. Like other cells, they are composed of organelles such as: neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes (Saladin et al., 2018). Allow me to briefly break these components down:
Neutrophils digest microorganisms and waste products.
Eosinophils kill harmful cells and aid in the inflammatory process.
Basophils contain heparin and prevent blood from clotting too quickly.
Lymphocytes contain B cells and T cells which produce antibodies that fight cancer and disease.
Monocytes aid in the development of immunity.
It is important to note that neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils are classified as granulocytes and therefore, have a granular appearance under a microscope (Saladin et al., 2018). Platelets help the blood clot and account for the most volume within the blood. Plasma is the matrix of the blood. It is a sticky, yellow liquid that transports nutrients, chemicals, and hormones through the body.
Blood is produced by a process called hematopoiesis. After birth, this process occurs only within the bone marrow. Within the womb, blood cells first begin as stem cells inside the yolk sac. Each blood cell changes several times before it is complete (Saladin et al, 2018).
Those of you whom have children may remember being asked by your doctor if you would like to store your child’s stem cells. Since the production of blood begins with stem cells, it now makes sense as to why one might want to store them. If your child were to develop a blood disease such as polycythemia vera, leukemia, or sickle cell disease, might those stem cells aid in saving your child’s life?
Saladin, K. S., Gan, C. A., & Cushman, H. N. (2018). Anatomy & Physiology: The unity of form and function (8th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.
2nd assignment:
Topic: The Circulatory System: The Heart: What can you enjoy about The Heart?
You will create 4 short paragraphs about the topic. Please organize them in your own words.(250 words total for all of the 4 paragraphs)
1st: Paragraph: Find a video that relates to this topic. Briefly summarize the video. Locate and give the full page of the URL to the video in APA formatting (cite in text and reference) that pertains to the topic. It is not unlike a main discussion post. Summarize the video in 50 words.Cite in the text. Reference at the end. If the URL is not given and cannot be verified, points will not be earned for this section. Documentation of sources is necessary.50 words total
2nd paragraph:System Check: Relate the topic to another system in the body. Demonstrate and show how this information is connected to other functions in the body. Please illustrate how this system is interrelated to another system in the body. Compare and contrast structure. Provide examples from the text. Cite and reference the text. 75 Words total
3rd paragraph: Apply the importance of the information of this topic at different levels (individual/career, society, world). How is the topic showing up in the news these days? Explain why this video is important. Tell me why this topic may be important to your future career. How can you apply this topic of anatomy to your career or your community? Society? Give a detailed example. Be specific about this; Do not only say it is important but explain why it is important. 100 Words total
4th paragraph: Weekly Self Reflection: What resources do you think helped you most to help you understand? What challenges did you have with the *material (our textbook)? What improvements can you make this week to implement for next week? 50 Words total.
PS: *Material used for this class: Saladin McGraw Hill. Anatomy & Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function text 9th ed. with Connect lab access: ISBN 9781264079988.