Answer The Questions
Conte, J. M., & Landy, F. J. (2019). Work in the 21stCentury: An Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology (6th edition). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
The Impact of National Culture
DIRECTIONS: For this assignment, you will use the graph below to answer the questions on page 2. The graph helps you compare and contrast the cultures of five countries using Hofstede’s theory. For a review, please refer to Chapter 1 in your textbook.
Graph Key:
H = High ID = Individualism
M = Medium MA = Masculinity
L = Low UA = Uncertainty avoidance
PD = Power distance LT = Long-term orientation
1. Examine the curve that describes Japan. Assume that an American Company will open a plant in Japan and plans to have supervisors be sympathetic and nurturing to employees. What does Hofstede’s theory of culture say about the probable success or failure of that plan? Justify your answer.
2. You run a multi-national company and are planning to send a woman manager on a one-year overseas assignment. Considering the graph and Hofstede’s theory, in which three countries is a woman manager most likely to be accepted and successful? In which country would she be least successful? How did you come up with your answer?
3. In which country might long-term goals and strategic planning be most accepted and expected? How did you come up with your answer?
4. In which country would you expect organizations to take the fewest business risks? How did you come up with your answer?
5. In which country do you think it would be most challenging to get people to work in teams and to accept rewards based on team performance? How did you come up with your answer?