Art History
Arth 27 ONLINE
Art 27 ONLINE: Art History Survey III: Non-Western Perspective
Module 1 – Chapter 1
Instructions: All modules are open book assignments. However, you must use your own words to explain what you have learned. There may also be supplemental materials (videos, etc.) that you are asked to view for certain questions. Complete the assignment and submit it no later than the stated due date.
Discussion Questions: Using complete sentences and appropriate grammar / punctuation, answer each essay question with a minimum of 8 to 10 thoughtful and complete sentences. Remember, write your answers clearly and in an organized fashion. The questions maybe broken up with bullet points, that is to help you identify each portion of the prompt and not miss key points in your answer.
Essay Question 1. (10 points)
· Describe in detail the Pre-classic period of Mesoamerica.
· What is the Pre-Classic period?
· Where is this area located?
· Who were the Olmec? Describe the Olmec culture; include the people, society, developments.
· What was La Venta? Why was this significant?
· Describe the important colossal heads.
· What were they made of? How were they crafted?
· What is unusual about these heads?
· Did they have a purpose?
Essay Question 2 (10 points)
· Describe Teotihuacan in detail. What was the city like? Where is it located?
· How was it designed? Who built it and who were those that visited?
· Explain fully the Pyramid of the Sun, Pyramid of the Moon and Temple of Quetzalcoatl.
· How was the city planned/organized?
Essay Question 3 (10 points)
· In detail, using your text, explain the history of the Maya.
· Include their significant innovations and contributions to history.
· What did you find the most interesting to you about the Maya?
· Give specific examples from your studies.
Module 1 – Chapter 2
The Andes and Central America
Essay Question 4 (10 points)
· Where is the area that is considered Paracas?
What time period did the culture exist?
· What does the name Paracas come from?
· Where were the cities and towns built and where was agriculture centered?
· What is Wari Kayan?
· What was found there? Be specific.
· Describe in detail textiles from this area. Give specific examples of what textiles would look like, what designs, motifs, etc.
· What type of ceramics were made in Paracas. Be specific on type, design, patterns, colors. What is an Oculate Being?
· Give examples from your chapter.
Essay Question 5 (10 points)
· Where is the area that would be considered the home of the Nasca civilization?
· What time period was this?
· Where were the ceremonial centers located?
· What are geoglyphs? How are they related to the Nasca?
· What other types of art was produced by the Nasca culture?
· Give specific examples from your chapter.
Module 1 – Chapter 3
North America
Essay Question 6 (10 points)
Watch the video on Mesa Verde that is posted under Module section. Use your readings and the video to answer these prompts.
· Where is Mesa Verde located? Who is the culture that lived there?
· What is a cliff dwelling? How is a cliff dwelling constructed? What building materials were used?
· Define (in relation to this site) MESA.
· Who are the Ancestral Puebloans? What is the group that they descend from?
· In relation to contemporary culture of the area, what type of art is the area known for?
· Historically, this culture was trading with what groups? Was this specifically in the United States? Archeologists believe these sites were abandoned when?
· Why do scholars believe the Anasazi disappeared?
· What are some current problems caused in current times for Mesa Verde?
· What was a surprising positive that came out of large fires in the area?
· In the late 1900s what was another event that took place at Mesa Verde in relation to artifacts from that area?
· What is NAGPRA and what did that have to do with this site?
Essay Question 7 (10 points)
· Looking at contemporary art from this area, watch the video (the link is placed on your module section on the artist Fritz Scholder, entitled Indian/Not Indian.
· Why did Scholder not want to identify as an Indian artist?
· What was the Rockefeller project? Why did he originally vow he would not paint Native Americans?
· What did some of the art critics think of his paintings?
· What work did you like the most? Describe and explain why you chose that work?