Article Reflection



Most marketers consume enormous volumes of information, e.g. reports, studies, and articles from a vast array of sources. The marketer must quickly extract the essential points, determine its value, integrate the new knowledge with her existing knowledge base, interpret it, and determine what or if further action should follow. Often this is done in a matter of minutes. This exercise gives you a chance to experience this practice.

Read the assigned articles or sets of articles, as they are assigned.

On one page, respond to these questions:

MAIN IDEA: What’s the main idea? (Not a summary, but your main takeaway from the article)
INSIGHTS: I want you to engage with the ideas, the concepts, not critique the articles/videos, per se. Look for what’s of value, for that which could be useful, in some way. However, don’t hold back where you disagree. Back up assertions with substance.
How would you apply the framework in your personal life and career?
How would the framework be useful in Global Marketing decisions, strategy, and communication? (pick one or more for application)

3. Bring in your personal experience or learning from this course, as relevant.

Deliverable Format
IDENTIFY FILE. Article1 – FirstName_LastName 2020-0213.docx (date is date due)
IDENTIFY YOURSELF in the document. At top of the page: Your name, date, assignment, and course
MS Word (preferred) or PDF
11pt. Arial, single space, double space between sections and paragraphs, 1” margins, subheads all caps
1 page approximately — more or less, as needed. “Less is usually more.”
Submit all writing assignments through Sakai before the start of the session assignment is due.
Performance Criteria
The degree to which the student interprets the essence of the article and connects with other course content, experience and brings fresh insight.
The degree to which the student fulfills the assignment’s instructions
Quality of writing: grammar, structure, and flow of ideas, readability

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