article summery 1


Summary Assignment

You will be writing a summary on one of the articles from the last two weeks (Minkel, Drewis, Green, or Giraldi). Do not pick the article you wrote your practice summary on.

The purpose of this assignment is to better understand the author’s claim and convey your understanding to your audience. For this assignment, your reader is another college student(s) who hasn’t read this article (you do not have to directly address your audience, just keep in mind that it is a fellow academic).


Identify the main/central argument of the author
Provide the author’s evidence or supporting claims
Approximately 200-400 words
Include relevant information about the article (author’s name, article title)
Use MLA formatting (in text citations are correct, title, and header)

Avoid personal opinion or bias; this is a summary of the author’s points.

Avoid giving a chronological play-by-play of the article


Summaries are useful tools to examine an article/text. In a “just the facts” summary, it is imperative that you (the writer) only deliver the author’s message and claims without personal judgement or opinion. Looking at a text from a bird’s eye view can help you better interpret the author’s claim, use the article for future reference, and critically think about a text without inserting yourself into the text.

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