Assessment Task 1 – Evidence Synthesis

HNN108 Understanding Research Evidence

2000 Words and 50% weighting
Purpose of assessment task
This assessment task will enable you to show critical thinking skills by demonstrating your ability to
source and describe literature on a clinical practice issue.
Due date: Tuesday 8th September 2020
Time: 8pm
Location: Assignment dropbox on HNN108 CloudDeakin unit site
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 Please check the document before submitting to the dropbox to ensure the formatting has
not changed.
 You are responsible for ensuring that the correct version of your assessment task is properly
uploaded into the correct assessment dropbox.
Topic background
Inappropriate footwear is a significant issue for older people in hospital as it can increase the risk of
falling (Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, 2009).
Assignment question
Find three research papers and describe the evidence presented in the papers that supports the
statement: “inappropriate footwear worn by older people in hospital can increase the risk of falling”
(Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, 2009).
Instructions for this assessment task:
1. Using the template develop a search strategy to locate relevant sources of evidence that
supports the assignment question.
2. Conduct a search of the literature using your search strategy.
3. Choose three (3) primary research papers most relevant in supporting the assignment
4. Extract information from each of the three (3) papers and organise using the template (total
approx. 1000 words) outlining the:
a) Purpose/aim of the study
b) Sample – who was included in the research? How many were included?
c) Design – what kind of research was undertaken?
d) Method – describe how the research was undertaken.
e) Key findings – describe the findings that relate specifically to supporting the
question statement.
5. Summarise and describe the overall findings from the three (3) research papers (approx.
1000 words) in order to provide supporting evidence that demonstrates “inappropriate
footwear worn by older people in hospital can increase the risk of falling”. This should be
written in the form of a short essay.
Your essay should:
a) Introduce the problem and topic area briefly (no additional references
b) Discuss the context of the research (this may include the aim, sample and
c) Summarise and describe the most relevant key findings from the research that
support the statement.
d) Relate the findings specifically to the statement and explain why the evidence
supports the statement.
e) Conclude with a summary of the supporting evidence to bring together your
Please note:
 Please use the template provided in the assessment folder on Cloud Deakin.
 Please use primary original research only for your three chosen papers (i.e. no systematic
reviews) as this assessment is designed to teach you skills on how to read and interpret
original research.
 Papers chosen must be peer reviewed and can be published within the last 20 years (2000 –
 Qualitative or Quantitative papers may be relevant for your three chosen papers.
 Australian and international research is permitted.
 You are not required to reference additional material in the essay (only the three papers
 You must appropriately paraphrase. Paraphrasing of author arguments/statements must be
supported by a reference.
Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care. (2009). Preventing Falls and Harm From
Falls in Older People Best Practice Guidelines for Australian Hospitals. Retrieved from‐and‐resources/resource‐
Presentation requirements:
Front page
Include student name and number, assignment title and word count. Left aligned
12‐point type size. Size 10 is permitted in the extraction table
Calibri, Arial or Times New Roman.
Extraction Table: Single line spacing
Essay section: Double‐line spacing (Do not insert extra lines between paragraphs or the
references list entries.)
Page numbers
Page numbers to be provided on all pages except front page. Place page number in the top
right hand corner
2.54 cm at the top, bottom, left‐hand, and right‐hand sides of the page.
Paragraph indents
Indent the first line of each paragraph (using the tab key or paragraph tool).
Exceptions: abstract, block quotations, titles and headings, table titles and notes.
Justification of text
All text needs to be aligned to the left, not justified.
Reference list
A reference list should be provided on a separate page headed ‘References’ at the end of
the assignment. Include the DOI.
Word Limit
Adhere to word limit requirements (within 10%). The word count does not include headings,
references page, reference citations and direct quotes.
Rubric: HNN108
Assessment task 1 – Evidence
High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
Starting % 80 Starting % 70 Starting % 60 Starting % 50 Starting % 0
Criterion 1
Develop search strategy, conduct
literature search and find three
supportive research articles.
Locates most relevant,
peer‐reviewed and
primary research, using
most appropriate and
relevant databases &
Locates relevant, peer‐
reviewed primary
research. Appropriate
databases used and
keywords are mostly
Locates relevant, peer‐
reviewed primary
research. Appropriate
databases used but
keywords may require
Locates primary research
on the topic.
Academic databases
used but keywords may
require development.
Mostly irrelevant or non‐
primary research
Academic databased not
Keywords inappropriate. Points 20
Criterion 2
Extract and describe required details
from the three research articles.
Accurately extracts and
describes most relevant
information about
purpose, sample, design,
methods & key findings.
Keys findings are those
most relevant to
supporting the
statement and accurately
Accurately extracts and
describes relevant
information about
purpose, sample, design,
methods & key findings.
Key findings are relevant
to the question and
accurately described.
Accurately and briefly
lists information about
purpose, sample, design,
methods & key findings.
Findings are relevant and
briefly described.
Lists briefly information
about purpose, sample,
design, methods & key
Inaccurate or missing
description of the
purpose sample, design,
methods & key findings.
Points 30
Criterion 3
Describe and summarise the evidence
from three papers to show that
inappropriate footwear can increase
the risk of falling.
Most accurately
describes and
summarises the context
of the research.
Most relevant key
findings are accurately
and logically described.
Explains the findings and
specifically relates the
evidence to supporting
the question statement
most accurately.
Accurately describes and
summarises the context
of the research.
Relevant key findings are
accurately described.
Explains the findings and
relates the evidence to
supporting the question
statement accurately.
Describes the context of
the research.
Relevant key findings are
Explains the findings and
relates the evidence to
supporting the question
Context of research is
briefly described.
Findings are described
and briefly related to the
question statement.
Description of findings is
inaccurate or
Does not relate findings
directly to supporting the
Points 30
Criterion 4
Writing is in accordance with standard
language conventions.
Content is logically
structured, fluently
written, uses correct
Structure provides a
logical flow and
accurately paraphrases
key issues and concepts
presented in each paper.
Free of spelling or
grammatical errors.
Content is clearly written
and logically structured.
Few spelling or
grammatical errors and
accurately paraphrases
key issues and concepts
presented in each paper.
Content is clearly written
and structured.
Minor spelling and
grammatical errors.
Content conveys
Spelling and grammatical
errors occur multiple
Content is not logically
Multiple errors in
spelling/grammar and/or
punctuation that
significantly detracts
from readability
Points 10
Criterion 5
Reference cited literature.
Expected Standard
Most accurately cites and formats references
according to APA style without error.
Minimum Standard
Cite and format references according to APA style.
Below standard
Consistently incorrect
referencing style.
APA referencing style not
used. Points/Percentage 5
Criterion 6
Assignment is presented according to
Expected Standard
Most accurately follows presentation requirements
including use of provided template.
Minimum Standard
Follows most of the presentation requirements.
Below standard
requirements not
accurately followed.
Not submitted according
Points/ to instructions. 5
Total Points 100

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