Business Research H/W

There is a minimum 100 word response per question. Textbook attached

1 What do research objectives state? Explain the difference between a hypothesis and research question.
Provide a definition of a construct and give 5 examples from the book. Chapter 4

2 Discuss how we measure constructs and explain what is meant by an operational definition.
List the 5 components of a research proposal and explain each. Chapter 4

3 List the 3 types of research design and explain the differences amongst them.
List the 4 uses for exploratory research and explain each use.
4 List and explain fully the 5 methods of conducting exploratory research. Chapter 5

5 Compare and contrast the difference between primary and secondary data. List and discuss the 5 advantages of secondary data.
List and explain fully the 5 questions that should be answered to evaluate secondary data. Chapter 6

6 List and discuss fully the 4 scale characteristics. List and discuss fully the 4 levels of measurement scales. Chapter 10
7 List and explain the 6 functions of a questionnaire. Explain questionnaire design and question development. Chapter 11

8 List the 10 words to avoid when developing questions and explain why the wording is poor.

List and explain the 4 Do Not’s of questions wording. Chapter 11

9 Explain fully “coding the questionnaire”. What is coding and why is it used? Chapter 11


10. Explain fully the differences between results and conclusions in a Research Report. Chapter 20

11. Identify the 8 visuals and discuss when they are useful in a Research Report. Chapter 20

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