

Write a collegeview the instructions are going to be listed below.

1. Write it (200-300 words)

A “collegeview” is a document that describes your ideas about what college is for and what it means to you. It is not just a list of goals or a to-do list of activities (that’s your Bucket List) – it’s your manifesto about college’s purpose.

If it helps, use the questions below to guide your thinking. There are more questions than you have space to respond to, so choose the items that feel more important.

· What’s college for?

· You can use college to answer many questions; what question do you want to explore?

· What role should college play in your personal, intellectual, and vocational formation?

· What responsibility does the institution have in making your college experience positive? How much of that responsibility is yours?

· What are the critical outcomes of college for you?

· Where are the most persuasive voices trying to influence your collegeview (e.g., family, Lynn, friends, lore…)? How do you feel about these various voices, and what role do they deserve to play or not?

· How might you complete the sentence, “College will have been worthwhile if… “.

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