Connection between EBP and the Quadruple Aim
Your Name
Program Enrolled Name or Degree Name, Walden University
Course Number, Section, and Course Name
Dr. Frazer
Connection between EBP and the Quadruple Aim
Here you begin by writing a brief introduction (about 5 statements). End this paragraph with a purpose statement. For example, the aim of this paper is to address how evidence-based practice (EBP) helps to reach the Quadruple Aim in each of the four areas ….. Afterwards, begin to address each of the four areas of the Quadruple Aim as shown below. Note, each heading is a Level 2 heading which works well with the set-up of the paper and the paper is double spaced, font is Times New Roman size 12, and paragraphs are indented; thus, APA is being followed.
Patient Experience
Remember, the rubric clearly states that in each area of the analysis you must accurately address in detail how EBP either supports or does not support the Quadruple Aim. I do not expect to have lots of quoted material in a paper so please paraphrase in your own words and cite using both in-text or parenthetical citations. To learn more about citations, and how/when to cite, check out the APA resources within the Writing Center and/or your APA manual. Remember, both grammar and APA are categories evaluated in the rubric. Encourage all to utilize Grammarly (a tool that helps to identify grammatical errors), prior to submitting any course work. Grammarly is free and can be found within the Writing Center.
Population Health
Do not forget, you must provide at least two outside resources and two or three course-specific resources that fully support this entire paper. Feel free to share information learned from watching our course video, reading our course resources, as well as locating other resources within the Walden library and various databases. Be sure all resources you locate are credible!
Reducing Costs
Be sure to list all resources utilized in content of paper on the last page which must be titled with the heading References. Note, the heading is not bolded which is an APA rule.
Work Life of Healthcare Providers
This will certainly be an interesting topic to present an analysis as we fall into this category as providers of healthcare. After you are done with this section, you will begin to write your conclusion paragraph that follows.
Here is what the Writing Center has to say about a Conclusion: A conclusion is an important part of the paper; it provides closure for the reader while reminding the reader of the contents and importance of the paper. It accomplishes this by stepping back from the specifics in order to view the bigger picture of the document. In other words, it is reminding the reader of the main argument. For most course papers, it is usually one paragraph that simply and succinctly restates the main ideas and arguments, pulling everything together to help clarify the thesis of the paper.
A conclusion does not introduce new ideas; instead, it should clarify the intent and importance of the paper. It can also suggest possible future research on the topic. Be sure to check out an easy checklist for writing a conclusion on the website shared below Then, proceed to inset a “page break” and make your Reference list.
Be sure to format all references in proper APA 7th ed., — check out Writing Center to view APA
Resources (Common Reference List examples is a great one to view). Additionally,
wonderful tutorials on APA are shared in the Writing Center. Lastly, remember that
references are on a standalone page just like this example — put in a “page break” to have it remain as a standalone page.
Need to write the concept paper
include the below topics
what is the issue?
How I think it can be fixed or improved
Benefits of using this approach
PHYS 1402 Lab – 6: Series and Parallel Circuits
Name: _____________________
To understand what currents will flow in various parts of simple DC circuits, and why.
You will be using PHET simulation Circuit Construction Kit: DC – Virtual Lab (
Activity 1: Current in a Simple Circuit with Light Bulbs
Connect the circuit with two bulbs. Again, measure the voltage across the battery and the current flowing through each light bulb with the switch closed.
Voltage across the battery: ____________
Current flowing through each light bulb: ____________
Question 1-1: When you added the second bulb to the circuit, did the current through the battery change significantly (i.e., by more than a few percent)? Did the voltage change significantly?
Question 1-2: Does the battery appear to be a source of constant current, constant voltage, or neither when different elements are added to a circuit?
Question 1-3: Based on your observations, how is the brightness of the bulb related to the current flowing through it?
Activity 2: Resistors Connected in Series
Set the resistance of each light bulb to the following: R1 = 5 W, R2 = 10 W, R3 = 15 W.
Connect the light bulbs in series as shown:
Connect the circuit shown below.
Set the battery voltage to 20 V. Measure the total voltage: VTotal = __________
Use the voltmeter to measure the across each of the light bulbs. Measure the voltages across each bulb.
V1 = ________
V2 = _________
V3 = _________
VTotal = V1 + V2 + V3 = ___________
Does VTotal in Step 3 equal VTotal in Step 4?
Use the ammeter to measure the current through each of the light bulbs. Write down the values of these currents below.
I1 = ________
I2 = _________
I3 = _________
Now measure the total current flowing from the battery by placing the ammeter next to the battery.
Itotal (from the battery) =________
Use the Ohm’s law to calculate the total resistance of the light bulbs (assuming that the wires are of negligible resistance). Show all your work below.
Resistance of the light bulb: =
The light bulbs are connected in series.
When resistors are in series, total resistance Req = R1 + R2 + R3
Calculate the total resistance. Rtotal (calculated) = ___________
Does RTotal in Step 7 equal RTotal in Step 8?
Question 2-1: Do you notice any pattern in the currents through the light bulbs connected in series? Explain.
Question 2-2: Is there any relationship between the voltages across each light bulb and its resistance? Explain.
Question 2-3: Is there any relationship between the battery voltage and the voltages across the light bulbs? Explain.
Put a 4th bulb in series with the other bulbs. R4 = _____________ W
Question 2-4: Do the bulbs seem to burn as bright as before?
Activity 3: Resistors Connected in Parallel
Now build the circuit shown below using three light bulbs, battery, and some wires.
R1 = 10 Ω, R2 = 20 Ω, and R3 = 30 Ω
Click on the battery and set the battery voltage to 12 volts.
Use the ammeter to measure the current through each of the light bulbs (by placing the ammeter on wire either before or after the light bulb. Write down the values of these currents below.
I1 = ________
I2 = _________
I3 = _________
Now measure the total current flowing from the battery by placing the ammeter next to the battery.
Itotal (from the battery) =______
Use the voltmeter to measure the across each of the light bulbs. Write down the values of these voltages below.
V1 = ________
V2 = _________
V3 = _________
Question 3-1: Do you notice any pattern in the voltages across the light bulbs connected in parallel?
Question 3-2: Is there any relationship between current through each light bulb and its resistance? Explain.
Question 3-3: Is there any relationship between the total current flowing from the battery and the currents through the light bulbs? Explain.
Use the Ohm’s law to calculate the resistance of the light bulb (assuming that the wires are of negligible resistance). Show all your work below.
Calculate the total resistance: =
These light bulbs are connected in parallel.
When resistors are connected in parallel, total resistance for any number of resistors connected in parallel is given by:
Calculate the total resistance. Rtotal (calculated) = ___________
Does RTotal in Step 6 equal RTotal in Step 7?
Remove one light bulb and calculate the total resistance: Rtotal = _________
Remove a second light bulb; there should now only be one bulb in the circuit.
Calculate the total resistance: Rtotal = _________
From Steps 7, 8, and 9, you should be able to reach a conclusion about the resistance in a parallel circuit: As the number of branches increases, the total resistance in a parallel circuit ____________________.
Put a 4th bulb in parallel with the others. Connect the bulbs to the batteries. Do the bulbs seem to glow as brightly as before?
R4 = _____________ W
Analysis: Complete the following sentences:
Resistors in Series Circuits:
The total resistance is equal to
The sum of the voltage drops across the individual bulbs is equal to
When you put a 4th bulb in the circuit, do you think the current in the circuit increased, decreased, or stayed the same?
Complete the following: As the current in the circuit ___________, the brightness of the bulbs ____________.
Parallel Circuits:
As you add more branches, the total resistance
As you add more branches, does the voltage across each branch increase, decrease, or stay the same?
As you add more branches, does the current across a previously existing branch increase, decrease, or stay the same?
If you were to decrease the number of branches to just one branch, how would the brightness of the bulb now compare the brightness when there were three bulbs in parallel?
What are your academic and professional goal. Discuss why networking is important and how it will assist in achieving your professional and academic goals. WEEK 7 SOCIAL WORK WITH GROUPS
In chapter 13, we explore various specialized treatment groups for adolescents, older adults and clients experiencing domestic violence, eating disorders or grief. After reading chapter 13, respond to the questions below:
The authors of the textbook use the term “vulnerable” to describe the clients featured in this chapter. Evaluate the use of this term. Do you think that this is the most appropriate/applicable term to use for these groups? Explain your answer.
What other types of specialized treatment groups would you like to see covered in this chapter?
The exercises in this chapter feature activities that can be used to engage clients in each of the 5 types discussed. Upon reading through the chapter and each exercise, chose one exercise for each group to evaluate. For your selected exercise:
gives an overview of the purpose of the exercise and then provide 2 pros and 2 cons of using the selected exercise with that population.
***Be sure to cite your textbook in your response and give a reference note at the end. Respond to two classmates.
Make your initial discussion post (fully cited in APA style with a reference note)