Critical Thinking Activity – Research Ethics
Instructions for Critical Thinking ACTIVITY – Research Ethics
Psychology 2314 – Lifespan Development – 20% of overall grade
Chapter Basic Concepts and Methods
Activity Name Research Ethics
Learning Objectives 1. Demonstrate a general understanding of the APA Ethics Code
2. Recognize that ethically complex situations can develop in the application of psychological principles.
3. Recognize the necessity of ethical behavior in all aspect of the science and practice of psychology
Instructions 1. Go to the link where you will find Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. Go to the third “bullet” where the five General Principles are listed and briefly discussed, and read carefully. These principles are: Principle A: beneficence and nonmaleficence, Principle B: fidelity andresponsibility, Principle C: integrity, Principle D: justice, and Principle E: respect for people’s rights and dignity. The only time these words would be “capitalized” in your essay is if one of them was the first word of the sentence.
You will be referring to these principles in your paper, so this is what your in-text should look like: (Ethical principles, 2013)
Below is how your source citation should look on your reference list, but DON’T boldface it
Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct. (2017). American Psychological
Association. Retrieved from
2. Go to the MATERIALS section (below) and read about three different experiments
3. In the first section of your paper (½ to ¾ of a page) you will define (and explain) each of the five principles, which is where you would use your in-text citations (at least one in-text for each principle). I have provided the correct in-text format above.You will of course be referring to them for each of the experiments, but don’t “re-define” them for each experiment, and the introduction is the only place I should see this in-text (Ethical Principles, 2017).
4. You are then to analyze each experiment and determine which of the five general principles identified in the APAethics code ….and it may be more than one….has been violated.You will then explain, in each case, why (or how) this was anethics violation.You will need to “support” your analysis (for EACH experiment) by finding an internet source, which corroborates with yourfindings. Do NOT summarize the experiment….I already “know about the experiment itself”. Make sure you include in-text citations for your “support articles” for EACH experiment, and list your three support sources(at least one for each experiment) at the end of your paper on your reference list…………MINIMUM of one page per experiment and a MAXIMUM of two pages per experiment.
5. In a SEPARATE paragraph at the end of EACH experiment analysis, you will relate yourpersonal reactionstothe violations in each experiment. I included this because students always have “feelings” about these experiments and “no place” to vent them! This is the ONLY place where I should see personal pronouns (such as: In my opinion, I think, I believe, I feel) in this paper
6. Put “boldfaced and centered subtopics (APA Ethical Guidelines),(The Milgram Experiment), (The Stanford Prison Experiment), and (The Monster Study)for each section of your paper.
7. On a separate page, at the end, include a reference list (entitled….References…which should be centered) with APA formatted
source citations…If you “refer” to the studies or videos which I have provided under materials (and you certainly SHOULD), I
have provided those properly formatted source citations FOR YOU and the proper in-text citation information. You will, of
course, have a source citation for the APA guidelines (which I provided ABOVE)….and then you will have YOUR THREE
OUTSIDE sources that you found (one for each experiment), and you can use the APA Citation Help Document from under the
information tab to help you put those source citations together.
Materials Correct source citations (for your Reference list) are provided for you to copy and paste. Correct in-text citations, if you use these sources in your paper, are provided so that you will do them correctly. To go to these sources, click on the link, or copy and paste the link into your search engine.
Experiment #1 – The Milgram Experiment – in-text citations for these two source should look like (Milgram, 1963) and (Dan chalenor, 2012)
Study: Milgram, S. (1963). Behavioral study of obedience. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67, 371-378. Retrieved from
See video: Dan chalenor. (2012, Nov. 22). Milgram Obedience Experiment. (video file). Retrieved from
Experiment #2 – The Stanford Prison Experiment – in-text citations should look like (Zimbardo, 1999)
Study…go to bottom, BENEATH the movie trailer and professor Zimbardo’s quote, and click on THE STORY (found in red ink on a black background)……Zimbardo, P. G. (1999). Stanford prison experiment: A simulation study of the psychology of imprisonment conducted a Stanford University [Presentation Slide]. Retrieved from
Experiment #3 – The Monster Study – in-text citations should look like (Maria Serrantino, 2018)
Maria Serrantino. (2018, Feb 28). The Monster Study (video file). Retrieved from
Assessment See Communication and Critical Thinking rubrics below
See attached link for help with your APA Citing and Reference List
Critical Thinking (60 pts) Rubric for Activity #1 for Psychology 2314 – Lifespan Dev.
Outcomes Exceeds expectations
Meets expectations
Does not meet expectation
1. Issue identification a. Principle(s) student has chosen is/are stated clearly, and all violations were recognized
(9 -12 points) a. Principle(s) were chosen, but choices were not stated clearly, or all violations were not addressed
(5-8 points) a. Student did not select one (or more) of the five general principles stated in the APA Ethics Code, or some wereneglected.
(0-4 points)
2. Evidence and support a. Explanation for principles chosen are specific, credible, ample, and presented with interpretation/evaluation sufficient to develop a comprehensive analysis.
(11-15 points) b. Explanation is generally applicable, appropriate, sufficient, and presented with moderate evaluation, but does no fully develop a coherent analysis; or explanations were not provided for all principles states.
(5-10 points) c. Explanation for principles chosen is insufficient and is presented with inadequate evaluation, or some, but not all have explanations.
(0-5 points)
3. Contents and assumptions a. Artifact thoroughly analyzes own and other’s assumptions and carefully evaluates the relevance of contexts when presenting a position.
(7-9points) b. Artifact acknowledges other’s assumptions and moderately evaluates the relevance of contexts when presenting student’s own position.
(1-6points) d. Student’s opposing or corroborating viewpoint is not presented, or student did not examine experts viewpoint so was unable to oppose or corroborate.
(0 points)
4. Perspective, thesis/hypothesis a. The viewpoint of at least one outside
source is taken into account,
acknowledged and synthesized.
(7-9 points) c. Other points of view are acknowledged and moderately examined.
(1-6points) c. Viewpoints of experts are taken as fact, without questions, or student did not examine an experts viewpoint
(0 points) 0-9
a. Conclusion, consequences and implications d. Student provided own reflections and provided possible alternatives which are logical and reflect the student’s informed evaluation.
(11-15 points) e. Student provided own reflections, but failed to provide possible alternatives that are logical and reflect the student’s informed evaluation.
(5-10 points) f. Student did not provide own reflections, andfailed to provide possible alternatives that are logical and reflect the student’s information evaluation.
(0 points)
Communication (40 pts) Rubric for Activity #1 for Psychology 2314 – Lifespan Development)
Outcomes Exceeds expectations
Meets expectations
Does not meet expectation Point
1. Context and Purpose of Communication Artifact demonstrates a thorough understanding of the context and purpose and focuses clearly on the assigned task
(5 pts) Artifact demonstrates adequate understanding of the context and purpose and focuses somewhat on the assigned task
(3-4 pts) Artifact demonstrates minimal attention to the context and purpose and lacks focus on the assigned task
(0-2 pts)
2. Central Message/
Thesis/Theme Artifact clearly expresses central message and all elements of the total work
(4 pts) Artifact clearly expresses central message but some portions or elements of the total work are unclear.
(3 pts) Artifact lacks or vaguely expresses central message, which diminishes unity of the total work.
(0-2 pts) 0-4
3. Content Development Artifact uses credible, high-quality sources and provides APA in-text and source citations with some APA citing errors.
(9-12 pts) Artifact uses credible sources and provides APA in-text but not a source citations (or source citations but not in-text citations); has numerous APA citing errors
(4-8 pts) Artifact lacks documentation, and has no APA in-text or source citations.
(0 pts)
4. Organization and Coherence Artifact employs clear organizational pattern throughout the work to enhance the overall purpose
(5 pts)
Artifact employs adequate organizational pattern throughout the work and some transitional elements to connect ideas.
(3-4 pts) Artifact organizational pattern is absent or inconsistently applied; weak or no connections among ideas.
(0-2) 0-5
5. Control of Syntax, Mechanics Artifact shows a command of grammar, punctuation, and writing mechanics; has few proofing errors
(8-10 pts) Artifact shows some command of grammar, punctuation, and writing mechanics, but some errors are present; there are several proofing errors.
(4-7 pts) Artifact shows some command of grammar, punctuation, and writing mechanics, but errors in usage often impede meaning; has numerous few proofing errors
(0-3 pts)
6. Delivery Artifact exhibits effective use of diction, tone, and style.
(4 pts) Artifact exhibits adequate use of diction, tone, and style.
(3 pts) Artifact aspects of diction, tone, style and other appropriate elements are awkward and ineffective and detract from clarity of the message. (0-2 pts)