declaration of independence
Question #1: How does the document lay out the primary argument for separation on on what law does it draw to justify such a treasonous move (and they were traitors since the fundamental definition of a traitor is disloyalty and armed , if necessary, resistance to an established government? We will come back to the definition of a traitor when we discuss Article III, section 3 of the Constitution.)
Then go on to the second, long paragraph and answer these questions:
Question #2: What “truths” do the writers cite as the basis of government? From what source do they come and on whose power do they depend?
Question #3: What is the natural inclination of a people when their rights are trampled on?
Please read this part carefully. It may seem as if revolution is the natural inclination of a people, but is Jefferson building a more subtle argument?
This paragraph ends with an introduction to the long list of grievances against the King. How can they be itemized and summarized (that is how can they be mentioned individually, but also grouped together). Please note that many of these will sound familiar if you know anything about the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights (the first ten amendments to the US Constitution).
Now for the defense of why the rebels have been forced to the move they are about to take.
Question #4: What have the colonists done that has given them no alternative but to separate from the mother country?
And, finally, the last question:
Question #5: What do the leaders of the rebellion announce as the nature and name of the new government?