Describe the difference between Research and Evidence-Based Practice


Use one of the required reading as a reference. Answers each question with 75 word or more. Read each question write it down and answer the question asked.
see instructions below:

In reading the assigned chapters, critically ponder the important questions for you to consider when forming your own conclusions about evidence and sources of evidence which you would draw on for your own practice. Visit the websites noted in week one and look for examples of best practice evidence. Select one example as a basis to post responses to the following on the discussion board:

Describe the difference between Research and Evidence-Based Practice (EBP).
Describe an example of best practice evidence you are interested in as an EBP project for this class.
Reflecting on your own practice, have you seen a best practice implemented? If so, how? If not, why not?
Describe how evidenced based nursing practice is reflected in standards for Magnet Status and if/how your chosen topic would be impacted by Magnet Status.

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