Digital Transformation of a company

The Final Master Thesis has two options:
Option A
The thesis consists of defining the full digital transformation strategy of a traditional business, or a traditional business model department of an existing company.
Option B
The thesis consists of defining a new digital based–company.

The student should take the role of a CEO (in case of a full company), or the role of a department director in case of a department transformation.
What are the components to define? And very important, which are the reasons for the chosen components?

Mission, Vision, Objectives, Market (including type of customers), Values of the company, Processes of the company (current), Processes of the company (new), Tools for each process (current and new), Organisation of the company (current and new), Channels, Products / divisions of the company, P&L structure (current), P&L structure

List of the projects to be done for each of the processes.
For each project : (CAPEX, OPEX, EBITDA, CALENDAR, TEAM, OBJECTIVES, KPI’s required, RISKS and MITIGATING ACTIONS) proposed follow up plan.

Full strategic plan Summary (list of the required projects) and CAPEX, OPEX, AND EBITDA + projects calendar.
• Innovative tools that you will apply.
• Change management process (communication tools, communication process, training, recruitment, tracking, etc…

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