DueSunday, March 31ston Canvas
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is for students to develop an in-depth understanding of various disabling conditions, the types of RT modalities that are used, and activity adaptations that may be necessary when working with individuals with such a disabling condition.
To demonstrate these skills, students will work with a partner andcomplete a 10-15 pageresearch paper on a disabling condition and the types of RT modalities provided for individuals with the disabling condition.Papers are to be written in paragraph formatand must follow APA style. The cover page, AAF, and reference pages are not included in the page limit.
1. Disabling Condition Description (5 points total)
You will choose one specific disabling condition from the 39 conditions listed in our Porter textbook. Using information from the textbook and other resources such as journals (e.g. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, The Annual in Therapeutic Recreation or The American Journal of Recreation Therapy), or reliable websites, you will provide the following information regarding the condition:
1a. Definition of the specific disabling condition, diagnostic criteria and symptomatology.
2a. Categories/types/levels of the condition that may exist.
3a. Incidence/prevalence in U.S., and predominant age.
4a. Etiology (causes), systems affected and secondary problems that result from the primary condition.
5a. Prognosis.
6a. Effects of the condition in the 5 life domains: physical, emotional, cognitive, social, and leisure.
2. APIED Process (5 points total)
Apply the APIED process to the condition that you selected in section 1 by including the following information:
2a. Assessment:typical scope of team assessment, areas of concern for RT assessment, and behaviors, attitudes and skills that would be necessary to assess for your chosen disabling condition.
2b. Planning:Include strengths and needs of individuals with the disabling condition that you chose, and typical treatment goals and objectives for your chosen disabling condition (mention at least 3 goals and 6 objectives).
2c. Implementation:discuss technical skills, facilitation skills, whole team approach, recreational therapy approach, and Recreational Therapy interventions.
2d. Evaluation: explain how the therapist will go about client evaluation and intervention evaluation (e.g. progress notes, formative evaluation, summative evaluation).
2e. Documentation: how will the therapist document everything?
3. Recreational Therapy (RT) Modalities (5 points total)
For this section, provide a summary of 5 different types of RT modalitiesthat are provided for individuals with the disabling condition that you researched in section 1. For each modality provide the history, purpose, description, and the reasons why each modality is important for someone with the disabling condition.
4. Activity Description, Activity Analysis form (AAF) and AAF summary (5 points total)
From section 3, choose one modality and provide a summary of one specific activity that falls under and fulfills the overall purpose of the modality. In your explanation, include:
4a. Name of the activity and information on why the activity fits under that modality.
4b. Overall purpose of the activity and therapeutic benefits.
4c. Full description of the activity: include equipment and environment needed, activity instructions, rules, and leadership considerations.
4d. Activity Analysis Form (AAF): Turn in the completed AFF with your paper. Remember, the analysis is conducted by evaluating the activity in its most pure and normative form (i.e. do NOT think of any adaptations or modifications at this point.) Essentially, an activity analysis is an “assessment” of the activity as is.
4e. AFF summary: after your completed AAF, provide a summary of your analysis for each of the functional domains in the AAF.
5. Activity Adaptations (5 points total)
In this section you will explain howto adapt your activity from section 4 to the general needs of individuals with the disabling condition that you chose in section 1. Includeall the adaptations you can think of to address the common characteristics and needs of those with the disabling condition. This section should include:
5a. Adaptations to teaching, leadership or instructional style.
5b. Adaptations to rules and/or regulations of the activity, and administrative modifications.
5c. Adaptations to the environment where the activity takes place in.
5d. Equipment adaptations
5e. Physical social, cognitive and emotional domains of adaptations.
This section needs to be thorough and provide substantial proof that you researched your activity adaptations for the individuals with the disabling condition.
You will be graded on organized and effective presentation of ideas, spelling and grammar, APA format, page length, etc. Please remember to attach a reference page organized in APA format.You will need to show from citing in text and your corresponding reference list that you researched and synthesized information from a variety of sources including your textbook, journal articles, other books, websites, etc.Points will be deducted for poor grammar, spelling, not citing sources, not using enough sources, and not adhering to APA style.
For more information about plagiarism and Turnitin, please refer to the section in the syllabus on Individual Work and University Policy and to the Student Handbook. If you have any questions about writing a research paper, rules for citing (directly or paraphrasing), etc. you can also review their website and make an appointment with the center for excellence in writing.
Textbooks (from courses such as LEI 3703, 4724, 3707, Abnormal Psychology, Medical Terminology, etc.)
– Inclusive Leisure Services
– Recreational Therapy for Specific Diagnoses and Conditions
– Facilitation Techniques in Therapeutic Recreation
Journals for Recreational Therapy (RT)
– Therapeutic Recreation Journal (e-journal and at library on 3rd floor- catalog call number RM 736.7.T5)
– Annual in Therapeutic Recreation (e-journal at Library)
-American Journal of Recreation Therapy
Journals for the broader field of leisure studies
– Leisure Sciences (e-journal at Library)
– Journal of Leisure Research(e-journal at Library)
– Leisure Studies (e-journal at Library)
– Journal of Park and Recreation Administration (e-journal at Library)
Journals in other disciplines:
Palaestra, Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, Disability and Rehabilitation, Aging and Human Development, and many, many more…. go to the back of the chapters in your textbooks and look through the reference lists.
Activity Sources, Types, and Ideas
Recreational Therapy Activities for all ages
Recreational Therapy Activities by modality
Recreational Therapy Activities by modality
Examples of Specific Activities
Exercise Yoga, Weight Lifting, Stretching, Aerobics, Pilates, Jogging/Running, Jump Rope, …
Performing Arts Dance (Salsa, Ballroom, Two-Step, Electric Slide/line dances, etc.), Movement, Tai Chi, Drama, Music-instrumental/singing, Drama (plays, musicals, etc.) …
Arts and Crafts Drawing, Painting, Crafts, Origami, Scrap Booking, Gardening, Clay Sculpturing, Model Building, Tie Dying, Photography, …
Team Building/ Adventure Games/Initiatives Communication, Trust, Cooperative, Problem Solving, …
Sports: Team Soccer, Flag Football, Ultimate Frisbee, Basketball, Softball, Volleyball, Kick Ball, …
Sports: Individual/Dual Track and Field, Tennis, Hand Ball, Golf, Frisbee Golf, Ping Pong, Skate Boarding, …
Outdoor Games Tag, Hide and Seek, 3-Legged Race, Frisbee, Badminton, Croquet, Lawn Bowling, Dodge Ball, Four Square, …
Indoor Games Charades, Twister, Pictionary, Scattegories, Outburst, Bingo, Wii, video games, …
Table/Board Games Checkers, Chess, Trivial Pursuit, Cranium, Sorry, Scrabble, Boggle, Yatzhee, Dominos, Clue, …
Card Games UNO, Texas Hold ‘em, Crazy Eights, Go Fish, War, Spoons, Rummy, …