Discussion post chapter 2 & 3


PART 1– 1 Question


Pages 66 – 69 ( NOTE: if soft-bound textbook — a few pages different if loose-leaf or E-book format )is a Time Monitor. Monitor your time daily for at least three days … longer if you dare! You certainly do not have to monitor every 15 minutes that the text’s daily monitor provides us. But, I DO WANT YOU TO EARNESTLY fill your Time Monitor with the goings-on of your daily activities, chores, responsibilities, obligations, etc.

On page 69 there is a graph to fill in your Estimated hours and Actual hours. Complete that graph’s estimated hours you think you’ll spend on your daily routines; then after you have monitored three or more days add up your actual hours you spent on daily routines. (You see there is already written to be charted: sleep, class time, study time, meals). Now, add in other categories too, for example: exercising, cell phone/texting, shopping, computer/gaming, television watching, work, etc.

Do not cheat yourself on this time management discovery. Complete the monitor and see how your time is spent. If you are like most of my IDS 109 students, you’ll be somewhat surprised, perhaps even amazed, how your time is spent on areas you had no idea were saturating your life’s balance towards time management … or the lack thereof!

Question for Pt 1:

1) What did you discover that you spend most of your hours doing besides sleeping???????


PART 2 — 2 Questions


VIDEO: Listen and watch this 3 minute clip about Values:

After reading pages 70 – 73 ask yourself what you cherish as your “treasured” Values? To help you find out your intrinsic self, we are going to an AUCTION!! It’s an AUCTION that auctions off VALUES!! And you decide which values you want to bid on and hope the auctioneer accepts your bid. It’s a fun exercise in finding out what each of us individually cherish as OUR coveted values. Have you ever thought about that before — what you cherish in life and how you want to be, and what you admire in others?

I am going to list [ see below ] the VALUES THAT ARE ON THE AUCTION BLOCK. Read through the VALUES and then buy the VALUES you cherish/covet the MOST. Here is the caveat though: You can only spend up to $2,000!!!!! NO MORE mula than that!! But, you can spend a bit less … like $1,900 — BUT YOU CAN NOT GO OVER $2,000.

VALUE PRICE LIST [ pick $2,000 worth of values you covet from the list below, incremented in $100, $200 or $300 category. REMEMBER: YOU ONLY HAVE $2,000 SO THE VALUES YOU BUY CAN NOT EQUAL MORE THAN $2 Grand!!

OKAY, get ready to place your bids — THE AUCTION COMMENCES NOW!!!

$100 each — Loyalty, Fairness, Education, Love, Truth, Friendship, Peace, Authority, Security, Efficiency, Responsibility

$200 each — Acceptance, Independence, Time, Awareness of Social Issues, Heritage, Family, Honesty, Status, Cleanliness, Freedom, Courage, Pride, Morality, Serving Others, Politics, Work, Leisure Time, Culture, Tolerance, Justice, Adventure, Self-Discipline, Dignity, Productivity, Competition, Personal Recognition, Obedience

$300 each — Material Possessions, Religious Beliefs, Creativity, Beauty, Health, Life, Success, Power, Generosity, Equality of the Sexes, Equality of Races, Patriotism, Respect, Nature, Happiness


1) What are the VALUES you bought with your $2 grand? List them in discussion board so we can read what you determined to be your most cherished values.

2) Which VALUE do you cherish/prize the most?


PART 3 — 2 Questions


VIDEO: Listen and watch this 4 minute Bucket list video:

Here is a scenario for you: You just found out you have one year to live! Yiiiikkes!!! How, then, would you live that one year????

Write a BUCKET LIST of what you would want to do in a year. There is no-holds-barred with money$$$!!!!! So in on other words, $$$money$$$ is absolutely no consideration of what you can do with your BUCKET LIST’s wishes! You can go to the moon and back if you so desire with your bucket list wishes because money will be no problem — think of it like finding a Genie — it’s whatever you decide as BUCKET LIST wishes!!! Presto, it’s yours!!


1) Write your full Bucket List? (The longest list I’ve had from a student was 73 wishes!!)

2) Now prioritize your Bucket List by naming the TOP 3 in your Bucket List. (ABC Priorities)


PART 4 — 2 Questions


Here is a little assessment (read below) for you that follows along with your ebook readings on pages 86 through 95. The assessment is titled: MY PROCRASTINATION TYPE/STYLE.


Read each of the four (4) procrastination types (listed below, highlighted in PINK) and then select the style you “most” resemble. Be courageous and be truthful!! Remember too, that we reflect each of the types/styles at one time or another, but one of them patterns the most in how we manage time … most of the time.

The DREAMER: Have lofty ideas and make promises often, but are seldom carried out yet most always with good intention.

The WORRIER: Looks at life as the “glass half empty” … The EYORE type rather than The TIGGER type (et. el. Winnie the Pooh characters/personalities)

The DEFIER: The Devil’s Advocate on MOST EVERYTHING anyone says. For example: ‘They say “White” and you’d say “Off White”.’

The OVER-DOER: The Little Red Hen person “… then I’ll just do it myself, said the Little Red Hen!!” Because they can not delegate others to do things, the Over-Doer tends to be a martyr most of the time and then starts to resent having to “do it all” with others getting credit for their work too — but really feels deep-down no one can do it better than they can anyway.


1) Okay, be truthful, which of the four procrastination types are you? List it on our Discussion Board.

2) Do you think you control Time Management wisely, especially after reading this chapter and completing the time monitor and a few assessments correlating with this chapter’s lecture? After you write “Yes” or “No” then write a brief explanation why.

VIDEO: Listen and watch a 2 minute video on procrastination, according to Ellen:



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CL – Chapter 3 Discussion
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CHAPTER 3 Discussion Board Assignment

Food for Thought …

There are three things a human brain cannot resist noticing – food, attractive people, and danger.

A human brain has a capacity to store 5 times as much information as Wikipedia.

Our brain uses the same amount of power as a 10-watt light bulb!

Hi Students!!

This chapter (Chapter 3) is rich in memory techniques. I have included more memory tips that are only lightly covered in the textbook to which I know will be useful for each of you in the “real” world.

I am adding a twist to our discussion’s here on out — discussion assignments can earn a maximum of 30 points (except Chs 7/8 combo — that discussion assignment will be worth 80 points). There are 8 specific Rubric’s to determine proper grading of each student’s chapter discussion, but I want your input too. Tell me what you believe you “earned” for your discussion assignment work. Be honest with your determination. I’ll take it in consideration when reading your richly written discussion contributions. It will look like this: If you believe you earned the maximum 30 points, then submit this: 30/30; if 25, then 25/30, and so forth. Back up why you deserve to give yourself that grade.

Are you ready?? Then let’s become more enlightened!!

PART 1: Rebus Rally — try and solve. Have fun with this. It doesn’t have to be correct. Just try & figure each out & don’t leave it blank or write, “I don’t know.”

Have you heard of Rebus Rally? See if you can solve these five Rebus Rally queries and then write your guesses for Pt 1 of your Discussion Board thread for Chapter 3’s Discussion Board assignment.

1) BAD wolf


3) S



Do you see the patterns of thought … critical towards solving? Or are you still stumped? After trying on your own, read peers discussion posts (you can read your peers discussion post’s after you post your discussion) and see what they thought answered Rebus Rally questions. I’ll post the answers in REFLECTIONS after our discussion expires, too.


PART 2 — 1 Question

MNEMONICS — a beautiful memory technique that not only helps us in the college, but also in the workplace, no matter your position in its hierarchy. The beauty with Mnemonics is that you can use its memory technique with ANY DISCIPLINE and ANY WORKPLACE. FYI: Nursing students find this memory technique to be one of the best.

VIDEO: Listen and watch this 1 minute “Mnemonics, Why?” video clip:

Let’s start understanding and/or refreshing Mnemonics using your first name. Think of an adjective or adverb that describes you best, BUT, the first letter MUST be the same letter of your first name. Then post it on discussion board for this part’s assignment.

Here’s an example: I am using a MNEMONIC NAME two of two of my past students: First name was Robert. His MNEMONIC NAME was Reliable Robert; likewise, my other student was Stephanie. Her MNEMONIC NAME she gave herself was: Stupendous Stephanie.

See the pattern? See how the mnemonic device is being used as a Mnemonic name?

Now you come up with your signature mnemonic’s name using an adjective that describes you but has to start with the first letter of your first name. FYI: It is amazing how the adjective sticks in our memory helping us remember names and even the person’s persona. Have fun with this!! And look at your peers Mnemonic name! I’ll be listing them in REFLECTIONS, too!!


1) Your first name using Mnemonic’s: ____________________ __________________


PART 3 — 1 Question

List at least 3 to 4 Mnemonic devices. I want you to list the Mnemonic DEVICES. Need a hint: Read about the DEVICES mentioned in your textbook to get your answers:






PART 4 — 1 Question

After you read the Memory Jungle, describe one (1) of the four (4) visualizations meanings. You only need to describe one (1) visualization and it’s meaning.


1) Name a visualization, and give its meaning



RUAAEC? If I say those letters out loud I will say it like this to you … ‘Are (R) you (U) … AAEC???!!’ It is to sound as if I am saying to you … “Are(R) you (U) Ccraaazzzzy?!’ because the AAEC can also sound like “ccraazzy.”

What in the world am I trying to convey to you using this crazy “memory technique” ?

Look at page 117 (again, pages can vary in ebook, softbound or loose-leaf of Becoming A Master Student (BMS) texts, so look at the headers in your textbook, too) and you will read about Bloom’s Taxonomy. This taxonomy appears in every chapter. See the purple pyramid? That shape is symbolically (the pyramid) describing Bloom’s Taxonomy’s 6 levels of thinking. It is AMAZING how many institutions utilize Bloom’s taxonomy. In the education world we write our curriculum using this taxonomy. As importantly, Bloom’s taxonomy is the linear way we think. You can see how very important this taxonomy can be in the workplace, too.

Now go back to the, “(R) are (U) you in that RUAAEC statement. I was using the Mnemonic device called an “acronym” and if I say it as, ‘Are you crazy?” it helps us remember the levels used in Bloom’s Taxonomy being: RUAAEC.

Do you see what I am doing? Do you see how this can help us remember quickly and easily — and even make memorizing fun?

Here is your ASSIGNMENT:

1) What do the letters RUAAEC stand for?

Look at Bloom’s Taxonomy’s 6 levels — What does each level represent in Bloom’s Taxonomy? That will be the answer to this question!!!


VIDEO: Listen and watch this 4 minute Mnemonics video:


PART 6 — 4 Questions

I am going to end our Chapter 3 Discussion Board by reiterating that Mnemonics is a beautiful memory technique. There are a good many Mnemonic devices. Mnemonics help our memory processes.

Your last 4 QUESTIONS will ask you to answer the 4 questions with Mnemonic hints. Have fun reading these and see if you can master the answers without using Mnemonics first. Post your answers in discussion board; if you have some you have used in the past or currently, please share them with us!!


1) SOLVE: Can you name, using Mnemonics, the five Great Lakes?

HINT: Super Man Helps Every One (or) HOMES [Homes is the first letter of a name of each of the 5 Great Lakes — or the first letter of the sentence above is also the first letter of a name of each of the 5 great lakes] (BTW: I know you’ve heard of the Great Lakes, but do you know where the Great Lakes are located? How many states do the Great Lakes touch? Using MNEMONICS, write the name of each of the 5 Great Lakes on your DISCUSSION BOARD’s thread.

2) SOLVE: Can you name, using Mnemonics, the planets in our solar system?

HINT: My Very Educated Mom Just Served Us Noodles (the first letter of this goofy sentence is the first letter of a planet) WRITE THE PLANETS USING THIS MNEMONIC’S HINT.

3) SOLVE: What are the color spectrum’s of the rainbow??


4) SOLVE: What are the 5 Phases of Mitosis?

HINT: I Propose Men are Toads — (IPMAT)


Do you see how goofy words, sentences, phrases can help with our memorization needs?

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