Early childhood education NZ (this not a title)
Early childhood teachers in Aotearoa New Zealand are guided by Te Whāriki and Tātaiako to respectfully implement Māori cultural knowledge, values and practices throughout the day to day teaching and learning experiences within their early childhood centres. For some teachers this is a new journey and for others, a continuing one.
Introduce your essay by reflecting on your learning journey and articulating your knowledge of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and Māori cultural knowledge, values and practices. Consider why a commitment to these areas is important and what you can do in order to grow and develop your learning journey further.
Then select two practices encompassing Māori cultural knowledge and values that can be effectively implemented into an early childhood centre.
· Explain how they honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi
· Examine their importance and contribution to children’s learning and early childhood education
· Explain how they can be authentically implemented; and
· Identify what teaching strategies and professional/personal goals can support the ongoing development of these practices
Explore practical ways to support key aspects of kaupapa Māori, tikanga Māori, and te reo Māori in early childhood contexts
Critically examine historical and contemporary perspectives in relation to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and The Treaty of Waitangi
Critically analyse and apply strategies for ongoing bicultural development and Tiriti-based early childhood education