English/short story


Purpose: Practice analyzing a short story through the lens of Psychoanalytic Theory by examining critical questions.

Task: After reading and viewing the page Applying Psychoanalytic Theory in a Character Analysis of The Misfit, choose a character from one of the following short stories–“Badeye,” “Tideline,” or “Welcome to Your Authentic Indian Experience (TM)” (you can use the same story you analyzed in your first Unit 3 Discussion if you wish but do not have to)–that you believe demonstrates one or more of the Freudian defenses listed below.

selective perception
selective memory
displacement (blaming)
fear of intimacy
fear of death or preoccupation with death

Then write two paragraphs describing how this character exhibits these traits. How do they show up in the character’s behavior or dialogue? Do they interfere with the character achieving his or her goals? Do they shield or protect the character in some way? Consider the following questions which may help you to develop your argument:

What do we see in the character’s speech or behavior that is worth exploring?
How does the character relate to his or her past? To others? Towards the conflict within the story?
What might be an unresolved problem in the character’s life?

Be sure to provide textual evidence (passages from the short story) to support your answers, including at least one direct quote. Consider this preparation for your essay in this Unit.

response to the question(s) is well supported by your textual example

explanation and engagement of your chosen quotation(s) conveys issues related to Psychoanalytic Theory

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