ESSAY PAPER (Doctoral Level)
You will discuss assigned questions for the Module/Week.
• Answers to questions must be supported with research and citations. It is not unusual, for instance, to have 3–4 citations per paragraph in doctoral-level research.
• Remember also that writing a research paper, especially at the doctoral-level, requires you to weave in ideas from numerous sources and then in turn synthesizing those ideas to create fresh insights and knowledge.
• 12-14 pages of content, double-spaced
• Must include citations from all readings and presentations for the assigned module (including the Fischer presentations and readings) and at least 20 scholarly sources
• Must include Biblical integration (the Fischer sources will help to that end)
• Current APA format
Module/Week 3Essay
Discuss the following:
• Define the term statesmanship and explain its relevance to effective and ethical public administration.
• Evaluate historical models for government administration.
• Compare and contrast with American founding principles.
• Synthesize a Biblical/covenantal model of statesmanship, leadership and organizational behavior with the above.
Criteria Levels of Achievement
(70%) Advanced
92-100% Proficient
84-91% Developing
1-83% Not present Total
Content 41.5 to 45 points
Thoroughly answers each assigned question.Provides a well-reasoned synthesis of key ideas. 37.75 to 41.25 points
Answers each assigned question.Provides some synthesis of key ideas. 1 to 37.5 points
Fails to answer one or more questions.Largely fails to provide a meaningful synthesis of key ideas. 0 points
Not present
Research & Support 41.5 to 45 points
Goes beyond required reading to provide an in-depth, researched discussion of the assigned questions.Supports assertions with research and numerous citations from all required reading, presentations, and scholarly source material. 37.75 to 41.25 points
For the most part, goes beyond required reading to provide a discussion of the assigned questions.For the most part, supports assertions with research and citations.
1 to 37.5 points
Largely fails to go beyond the required reading to answer questions.Limited use of research and citations to support assertions. 0 points
Not present
Biblical Integration 30 to 32.5 points
Provides a nuanced discussion of Biblical concepts as related to the content and assigned questions. 27.25 to 29.75 points
For the most part, provides a discussion of Biblical concepts as related to the content and assigned questions. 1 to 27 points
Provides only a limited discussion of Biblical concepts as related to the content and assigned questions. 0 points
Not present
Structure (30%) Advanced
92-100% Proficient
84-91% Developing
1-83% Not present Total
Sources & Citations 18.5 to 20 points
All required readings and presentations from the current and prior modules must be cited.At least 20 scholarly sources are used. 17 to 18.25 points
Most of the required readings and presentations from Modules are cited.17-18 scholarly sources are used.
1 to 16.75 points
Few of the required readings and presentations from the Modules are cited.Less than 17 scholarly sources are used. 0 points
Not present
Grammar &APA 16.25 to 17.5 points
Limited to no errors in grammar, spelling, APA, etc. 14.75 to 16 points
Some errors in grammar, spelling, APA, etc. 1 to 14.5 points
Numerous errors in grammar, spelling, APA, etc. 0 points
Not present
Page Length 14 to 15 points
12-14 pages of content in length (not counting the title page or references); double-spaced. 12.75 to 13.75 points
1 page more or less than the required length range (not counting the title page or references); double-spaced. 1 to 12.5 points
More than 1 page more or less than the required length range (not counting the title page or references); double-spaced. 0 points
Not present
Instructor’sComments: Total: /175