Ethical Theories Paper
This paper will include a set of five to ten principles that, combined together, provide a code of conduct for YOU in the role YOU plan to fulfill in your professional life. You may focus on a code of conduct as the professional you will be or you may address a code of conduct you will share with your staff or co-workers in your professional role, You should begin by researching codes of conduct that exist for people in your position, either by personally inquiring or by doing online research. You may use some of these in your code of conduct but you must add your own to put your stamp on it. The sources you find should be referenced appropriately. Please list this set of codes that you create for yourself in the introduction or just after the introduction so that they are easily identified.
Once you have established the codes of conduct, you must discuss what ethical theory (or theories) apply or reject each code. This should be the main focus of the paper. You must discuss at least 3 separate ethical theories.