Ethics Project: A Personal Ethics Statement

BA 342 FA20
Ethics Project: A Personal Ethics Statement

Submit either a .doc file or a .docx file via the Canvas assignment by 11:55 PM.
Late = zero points for this assignment

Note:Any project not submitted according to these guidelines during the assignment submission window will earn a grade of zero. Waiting until the final day of your assignment submission window is taking a significant risk; “technical difficulties” are NOT an acceptable reason for failing to submit your project properly and on time.

Assignment Submission WindowOpensTuesday, September 1, 2020
Assignment Submission WindowClosesThursday, September 10, 2020, at 11:55 PM

Introduction:In this project we ask you to reflect on what ethics means to you personally. It is critical that you use numerous personal examplesfrom youractual life and NOT someone else’s ideas. This project is graded based on your giving an honest assessment of what you think about ethics by reflecting on the questions below. As you write,do not worry about an answer you think your professor would like. Take responsibility and give a truthful response to the questions. If your paper is 100% positive about ethics or 100% negative about ethics, that content will NOT impact your grade. Support with examples from your life. Note: You are NOT required to do any research for this paper. Sit down and start writing, in your own words, what is true for you.

Personal Ethics Statement Paper Content Guidelines:Your paper mustbe divided into 5sections, eachbeginning with the BOLD headings below, respondingin your own words to the following elements:

Introduction:Short paragraph introducing what this paper is about.

Personal:Define ethics in your own words; explain your personal perspective about ethics, where your ethical views originated and why ethics is, or is not, important to you (use examples from your personal lifeto explain your position).

Career: Now that you have considered ethics personally, address in your own wordshow you see ethics applied in corporate or other work settings and discuss why you believe this is important, or not important, to your career. Give examples from your personal experienceor knowledge of companies and their ethics protocols (including any work or non-work experiences). Consider your major and how ethics applies to someone working in that major (give examples from the world of business)

Society:The last question we ask you to reflect on is how ethics is applied across society. Describe in your own words the importance of, or the lack of, ethics in the global world. Give examples from your personal backgroundthat would reflect your point of view; if you can relate this to your home country, even better.You can take an individual nation or global approach.

Conclusion:Short paragraph tying the three questions together with any conclusions you believe others would find helpful in understanding your perspective on this subject.

Personal Ethics Statement Paper Mechanics/Deliverable Guidelines:
1. A typed, electronic document (single-spaced, 0 pt. between lines); must be either.doc or .docx
2. Written in first person (I, me, we, us, myself, etc.) – tell us your thoughts in your own words
3. 1.5–2 pages in length (do not exceed 2 pages; do not submit less than 1.5 pages)
4. Margins on all 4 sides: 1”
5. Type: 12-point font; Calibri or Times New Roman
6. Title: “Ethics Personal Statement – BA 342 FA20”
7. Your name at top of page
8. Bold title, name, and headings for all five sections as noted in these guidelines
9. Grammar, spellingand attention to detail are always important – check your document carefully

Due Date:Thursday, September 10, 2020
Submit either a .doc file or a .docx file via the Canvas assignment by 11:55 PM.
Late = zero points for this assignment

You must upload your file within Canvas as noted above; do NOT copy/paste your document’s text into the assignment’s comments box, and do NOT email your project to anyone on the Teaching Team. Any file type other than .doc or .docx will not be accepted (you will receive an error message from Canvas if you try to upload any other file type in the assignment). If you do not use Microsoft Word and do not know how to save your document as a .doc or .docx file, you may wish to visit one of Penn State’s IT Service Desk locations well in advance of the due date in order to learn how to submit an acceptable file.

Note:Any project not submitted according to these guidelines during the assignment submission window will earn a grade of zero. Waiting until the final day of your assignment submission window is taking a significant risk; “technical difficulties” are NOT an acceptable reason for failing to submit your project properly and on time.

BA 342 Personal Ethics Statement Grading Rubric

This paper is worth 35 pointsof your overall course grade.
We will use the following grading guidelines.
Full Credit: 35 Points
– Full credit will be given if ALL paper mechanics are followed and ALL paper content criteria listed in these guidelines are followed (including personal examplesin all sections).
Partial Credit:20–34 Points
– Missing any of the paper content and/or mechanics elements listed in these guidelines
– Poorly written (spelling, grammar, word choice, lack of attention to detail, etc.)
– Low or high page count
Zero Credit: 0 Points
– File not successfully submitted via the Canvas assignment by the due date
– File emailed to Teaching Team instead of submitted via the Canvas assignment
– Unacceptable file type or unreadable file submitted
– Submission is irrelevant and unrelated to assignment
– Submission addresses few of the protocols in this assignment
– Any amount of plagiarism from any source

Due Date:Thursday, September 10, 2020
Submit either a .doc file or a .docx file via the Canvas assignment by 11:55 PM.
Late = zero points for this assignment

Turn over for final page for project outline

Personal Ethics Statement Outline

The outline below is offered as a guide to help you organize your project (note that the spacing shown is not intended to indicate how much or how little information you should include in each section). If you like, download or copy/paste into a new document to begin writing, in your own words, expanding this outline as necessary to result in the 1.5-2 page statement. Remember that you are responsible for ensuring that your submitted project meets all paper mechanics and content requirements detailed in these guidelines (e.g., margins may default to your device’s settings when you download or copy/paste from this document, so confirm all of your document’s mechanics and content before submitting).

Ethics Personal Statement – BA 342 FA20
Your Name






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