Face Mask
The essay should be about face mask/health especially during the time of this pandemic.
Evaluations are everywhere, and people use them all the time. Have you ever read a product review on Amazon before ordering something? Have you ever read movie reviews and decided to go see a movie (or not see one) because of them? Have you ever taken a book recommendation from a friend? These are all forms of evaluation essays. Evaluations are communicated in many formats, but the king of all evaluations is the evaluation essay.
What makes the Evaluation Essay different from a friend’s book recommendation is that it tries to be well-thought-out, logical, and useful to as many people as possible. A recommendation from a friend relies on the already-established relationship. A movie review from an experienced critic, however, is impersonal, and therefore it has to earn its right to exist in the eyes of the reader. It does this by establishing a clear set of criteria. More on criteria in a moment. There are a few successful movie critics. Movie buffs might even be able to name a few. These have built reputations and people have come to trust their judgement.
An experienced critic is not your friend, is going to approach telling you about the new Superhero Movie #3413 in a much different way. You and your friend are likely of similar ages. You likely have very similar interests. You may have discussed movies with your friend before at length. You may have gone and seen many movies together and talked about parts you liked and disliked. When your friend says, “trust me, bro, you’re gonna love Superhero Movie #3413,” very little else needs to be said. You and your friend have a certain ethos, and this impacts the content of their review and how much you trust it. He or she knows what you like and don’t like in movies, and you trust his or her judgement.
Random essay writer does not know you, and you do not know him. This is why the evaluation essay writer must come up with criteria, or several qualities that can be used to judge the value of a product. Being thorough, clear, and unbiased is how the writer builds ethos, gets the audience to trust them, without a personal connection. For movies, criteria might be as follows: 1) Acting, 2) Special Effects, 3) Plot, and/or 4) Sets and Costumes. There might be many more. The essay then will analyze, explain, and provide examples of each of the criteria (without spoiling too much of the film in the process). The important thing about criteria is that it could feasibly be used to judge other products in the same category. Thecategory doesn’t have to be every movie ever if you’re doing movies, however. A great way to show off your expertise on something like, say, Marvel movies, would be to evaluate a film as a Marvel movie instead of as a movie in general. The criteria and comparisons there would be entirely different, and would make for a much focused (and possibly better) essay.