Final Exam: Summer Camp Program

Write a program and flowchart, and include a snippet of your program running.

You work at a Summer Camp Facility, and you are gearing up for the 2020 Season.

Your supervisor has asked you to track the number of participants at the camp.

Your supervisor needs help with the following:

Tracking participant money collected in the following categories
Under the age of 4
Ages 5-12
Ages 13-18
** You can change the ages in each category; but you must include Toddlers, Children, and Teenagers
Also, each category can attend either a half or full day
The total money collected in each category
And the total money collected from all categories combined
The program you write should include these components at a minimum. Remember though: Get creative, and feel free to add different components that you feel are applicable in a grading program.

You at least three different arrays – These are, in effect, parallel arrays:
One for toddler sale prices
One for child sale prices
One for teenager sale prices
** Please note: The example image shown below includes 4 arrays
The arrays are for half and full day participants; and the price each participant pays
** You can also add extra categories
Such as Half Day for Teenagers
Remember to use a “for” loop for each array
You should have Totals that calculates the totals of all participant categories
If you have 3 participant categories, all three should have their own price totals; and then also a total for all the tickets sold
Hints and Suggestions:
You can set your own Ticket prices – for example, see the prices in the example below
You can set how many participants for each section
In the example shown below, each section has 4 participants
You can also write the program to ask the user for this input, but this is not required
5. At the end, it prints out the number of participants and the price each pays, the totals for each section; and then the totals paid across all categories.
Here is what the output looks like.

Final Exam: Summer Camp Program output

Submission Instructions
Upload your Flowgorithm file, your .c file, and a screenshot of your code output saved in a Word document including the path name directory at the top of the screen into the dropbox for grading.

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