Florida International University: Master of Health Informatics and Analytics Program: Statement of Purpose

I am a former Florida International University Student. I have a Bachelor of Communications.
There is a couple reason why I want to pursue the Master of Science in Health Informatics & Analytics:
1. I have always wanted to return to working for a hospital or Integrated delivery network.
2. I have a passion for both healthcare and technology. The MHSHIA makes it possible to finally pursue this career pivot.
3. I was recently laid off from my job of 7 plus years working in diagnostic and biologics. This was due to Covid-19. It was unfortunate in one sense. It was an opportunity for me to make a career move towards something I always wanted to pursue. I didn’t have the time to consider it.
I always have been associated with Healthcare throughout my career. I had an unpaid internship at Broward Health when I was in college. This fueled my desire to continue along this path.
I have always worked in the marketing side of diagnostics, biologics, and pharmaceuticals. I didn’t get to explore my other passion. Technology. I have always been fascinated on how technology, people, health and the health care interrelate.
I searched online for a program that offers the best of both worlds: The MHSHIA program at Florida International University.
How healthcare informatics and analytics play an integral role in the healthcare delivery and outcomes. It’s a vital part of the health care continuum.
This program will help me to pursue a career change that I have wanted to do for years. This degree will give me the foundation to get started in a new career that would be unlimited in growth potential.

Ideally, starting as a clinical analyst or Health Data/Information Resource Manager. Ultimately, to become a HIM (Health Information Manager) or Chief Medical Information Officer.

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