Game Context Paper


Throughout your life you have played games – they could be things like Candyland, Monopoly or Carcassonne. They could be poker, rummy or Cards Against Humanity. They could be games of physical skill like soccer, billiards or darts. Each of these games accomplishes several things.

Write a paper of approximately 1000 words discussing and analyzing an analog game you are already familiar with, addressing a series of questions posted below.

Questions to consider in your response (You are writing a paper not just answering questions – please answer the questions as part of the paper, not as a list of responses).

1) Using the vocabulary and concepts already discussed, please describe what kind of game this is, in your own words using the appropriate vocabulary. Imagine I have no idea what a game is or how it’s played or what this game is in particular. Assume I know nothing when describing this game.

2) When looking at the rules did you find rules you were not aware of, rules that were changed by house rules, rules that were confusing? How does this affect your gameplay? How would you change the rules, using house rules or just changing parts that don’t work, to make the game better?

3) What is the objective of this game? What is the win and/or lose condition

4) How does this game connect you with others/community? Is this a solitary game or a group game? Is it competitive or cooperative? What about this type of gameplay appeals to you and why?

5) Consider the history of the game, when it was developed and how it impacts the target audience for the game. Does the game promote cooperation? Competition? Is it speaking about the times, when it was created, or is it something that is supposed to help you disconnect with reality?

6) Consider this game in the context of when it was first created and today. Does it connect to you today the same way it was intended when the game was released? For instance, the game of Monopoly was originally a game about landlords and how money should be redistributed to the masses. When purchased by Milton Bradley, the game was re-imagined closer to what we know today. When the game came out there was a huge disparity between the rich and the poor. Does that still hold true today or is it no longer giving the same message? What is the message of the game?

Remember, THIS IS NOT A REVIEW! I don’t really care if you do or don’t like the game. I want you to think about the game in the greater context of games in society and our lives.

This should be around 1000 words, but take as much space as you need to cover the assignment in detail and completely.

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