Gifted and talented Program
This is not an actual named school, as you can tell by the requirements
Gifted and Talented Identification
Choose only one of these Assignments
1-Gifted and Talented Identification: Student will compare and contrast his/her school district gifted identification policy/procedures with another school district (can be a district within the state or from another state), along with state standards. Consider the strengths and weaknesses of your own identification policy in comparison. What recommendations would you make for improvement? The idea behind this work is to allow you to truly get the idea of the process that districts use. You do not need the name of the instruments used by districts as they usually don’t publish that information. All schools in Arkansas go through a yearly program approval with the department that ensures the district is in compliance, so the value of looking at AR rules and regulations are to see how districts have complied. The paper needs to be 2-3 pages and include:
Name of districts
Comparison of the plans for similarities and differences
Use the AR Gifted and Talented Program Approval Standards to describe how districts are in compliance.
Any indications of the districts efforts to serve under-represented populations.
Include personal reflection about each process and what should be included or excluded from the identification process
Upon completion, submit the assignment in Canvas.
2-Written Gifted Program Plan (Mini): After reading Chapter 4, “Program Planning,” create a mini plan for starting a new gifted program in a school that doesn’t currently have one. This plan should include your 1) philosophy, 2) goals of the program, 3) state definition of gifted as is located in the standards, 4) Skeletal plan for non-discriminatory identification (I realize that most identification procedures are pages long of every detail – I am talking about a summary paragraph that gives an idea of that process, 5) Program options for students grades k-12 – what types of services will the district provide, and 6) Brief overview of how you will evaluate student growth and program success. I realize that to actually do this for a true situation, one would spend days, and weeks doing research and analyzing the local needs, etc… But what I want you to get from this assignment is an overview of program planning. The AR Gifted and Talented Program Approval Standards has detailed the requirements for AR districts. Your current district has all this in place. I don’t want you to just copy and paste that for your project. That would be too detailed and a ridiculous request. What I want is a mini-plan, one that has your ideas built in – a plan that you could take to a school board or community meeting to get buy-in on creating a gifted program where one is non-existent. There are multiple examples of philosophies, goals, etc…that you have access to through your text, your district and Google! You do not have to be original in every detail of your plan, as you shouldn’t have to reinvent the wheel. Research enough to be able to understand the process and form opinions on what you think best describes and defines appropriate services. Make sure you give credit for things that you liked enough to include in your plan that doesn’t belong to you. This mini plan needs to include all six areas mentioned and should be approximately three pages. You may use outline, bullets, paragraphs, etc. Make it user friendly – one that you could hand out and everyone could follow.
Upon completion, submit in Canvas.
Upon completion, submit in Canvas.
Writing Rubric
D/F=Below 34
Unit 2: Gifted and Talented Checklist Unit 3: Is Creativity a Thing of the Past? Unit 4: Higher Achievers vs Gifted and Talented Unit 5: Critical Gifted and Talented Article Summary Unit 6: Future of Gifted Education in America
Unit 1 Identification Paper/Mini Program Plan
Unit 1 Identification Paper/Mini Program Plan
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Accuracy (Grasp of readings)
15.0 pts
Paper represents the authors’ ideas, evidence or conclusions accurately, fairly and eloquently. Analysis: Analyzes the commonalities and differences between two districts and ADE rules and regs. Mini Plan: Includes all required pieces including philosophy, goals, definition, identification, options, evaluation with concise yet meaningful information. Shows an accurate understanding of each of the pieces.
8.0 pts
Paper represents the author’s ideas, evidence and conclusions accurately. Analysis: minimally analyzes the commonalities and differences between two districts or ADE rules and regs. Mini Plan: Includes most of the required pieces or provides minimal information for each of the required pieces.
4.0 pts
Paper represents the authors’ ideas, evidence and conclusions with limited success.
0.0 pts
Paper does not address assignment
15.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Argument (depth of analysis)
15.0 pts
Paper fully meets requirements of assignment. Analysis: Includes all aspects of the identification process and includes authors ideas on best practices. Mini Plan: includes thoughtful inclusion of ideas with proper reference citations on pieces included. Shows an understanding of the extent and interconnectedness of the importatnt pieces in planning a program.
8.0 pts
Paper fully meets the requirements of assignment. Analysis: Includes most aspects of the identification process and includes authors ideas on best practices. Mini Plan: has limited citations and/or lack of connectedness between components.
4.0 pts
Paper does not address some aspects of the assignment. Makes somewhat unconvincing case.
0.0 pts
Paper does not address the assignment.
15.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
10.0 pts
Consistently precise and unambiguous wording, clear and lucid sentence structure. All quotations are well chosen, effectively framed in the text and explicated where necessary.
5.0 pts
Mostly precise and unambiguous wording, mostly clear sentence structure. Mostly effective choice of quotation. Mostly effective framing and explication of quotation where necessary.
3.0 pts
Imprecise or ambiguous wording. Confusing sentence structure. Poorly chosen quotations, or ineffective framing and explication of quotations.
0.0 pts
Consistently imprecise or ambiguous wording, confusing sentence structure. Quotations contradict or confuse student’s text. Quotations used to replace student’s writing.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
10.0 pts
Paper is clean, correctly formatted (12-point font, Times New Roman, double spaced), written in full sentences. Quotations are all properly attributed and cited in a consistent style. Virtually no spelling or grammatical errors.
5.0 pts
Paper is clean, correctly formatted (12-point font, Times New Roman, normal margins), written in full sentences. Quotations are all properly attributed and cited in a consistent style. A few minor spelling or grammatical errors.
3.0 pts
Paper is clean, correctly formatted (12-point font, Times New Roman, normal margins), written in full sentences. Some improperly attributed quotations and/or inconsistent citation style. A number of spelling or grammatical errors.
0.0 pts
Paper is sloppy or incorrectly formatted, not written in full sentences. Many improperly attributed quotations or inconsistent style of citation. Many spelling or grammatical errors.
10.0 pts
Total Points: 50.0