Great minds ask
Part 1: Module 2 Assignment: Great minds ask…
Your progress
• Introduction
Now it is time to integrate and demonstrate your learning from the readings, activities and discussions. The Formal Assignment builds on the tasks you have completed. You must submit the Formal Assignment double-spaced and in electronic format to your Open Learning Faculty Member for marking by using the assignment submission tool at the bottom of this page.
In this assignment you are asked to:
• Evaluate how you create openness
• Identify themes
• Explain what you have discovered and
• Explore beyond your comfort zone.
• Complete the phrase “Great minds ask….” Explain what this statement means to you. Evaluate if this statement has significance to you in your effort to create openness. If your response is yes, support your answer with examples. If your response is no, explain how you create openness and give examples.
• Review your findings from the activity The Power of Questioning. Provide your set of answers to the Ten Power Questions located on page 60 of your text How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci and your rationale for choosing them. Be sure you are providing the correct set of Ten Power Questions – they are the ones listed in your text, not the ones you create from the other exercise. Explain the themes that you have discovered from completing the activity The Power of Questioning. Can you see similar themes emerging from other activities you have completed in this module, such as the readings, your reflective journal entries and the online discussions? If no themes have emerged for you, then describe why you think this is happening. What have you learned?
• Describe the unexpected information that you have discovered while completing this module. Were you surprised at the results of your Curiosità self-assessment? Did you discover something new about yourself when you recorded your negative judgments or positive alternatives? Did you experience new feelings while completing the drawing exercises? If you feel that you have not discovered any unexpected information, present your reflections on why you think this is the case.
• Identify two behaviours that you believe will help you become more open (see the activity, How Strategically Do You Think?). Explain why you have chosen these behaviours. Describe what success looks like for you. Examine how the process of moving towards success may push you beyond your current comfort zone.
This course creates opportunities for you to explore ideas and experiment with and try out new approaches. Going beyond your comfort zone is encouraged as a mechanism of creating growth, learning and openness. If something does not work, that is all right. Write about the experience in your reflective journal and describe your learning in your assignments and/or your Final Project.
Assignment Criteria…
• You must meet the guidelines for satisfactory completion of assignments. Is your material well-organized, clear and grammatically correct?
• Your explanation can include illustrations and may take the form of a report, a story, or other means of expressing your ideas. You may choose to use a combination of formats.
• Support your comments. You are encouraged to share your findings from the activities, to include excerpts from your reflective journal (if you wish), and to give examples from your own experiences.
Part 2: Discussion Form:
– Separate document then the first.
1) Module 1 – Discussion 2: Great Thinkers
Post a message about your selected great thinker. This message should become a discussion thread.Therefore, each person will have his or her own thread. Include in the message:
• A Web site about the individual
• The reason/s why you have chosen this individual.
2) Module 2 – Discussion 3: Curiosity
Post a message to the group responding to the following questions:
• What was the quality of the questions Leonardo asked and why did he not limit them to his formal studies?
• Why is it helpful to approach a question from multiple perspectives?
• What is the link made in the text between curiosity and freedom? Can you think of an example from today?
• What value did da Vinci put on a notebook and contemplation? Are these values still valid today?