Health Promotion and Health Literacy Assessment



This experiential activity helps you as a nurse increase your understanding of patient’s health promotion needs, apply health promotion assessment skills, and integrate principles of health literacy for health promotion.


The experiential interview allows you to talk to ONE Person who might be your neighbor, someone in your family or someone who knows very little about health. Though you interview only one person, the results of the interview will help you understand the health promotion and health literacy needs and you will provide you with an understanding of what people know, think about their own health and their health priorities


Select 1 person to interview who is not in the health care field. The person MUST be at least 18 years or older and may be a colleague, neighbor, friend or family.
Please introduce yourself, tell the person you are a Regis Nursing Student, and ask the person if they would consent to answering a few questions related to health promotion.
Explain to the person you would like to take a few notes and that NO names will be included for confidentiality. Do explain the purpose is for a class project to create a health promotion plan as part of your assignment.
Make notes / type results of the interview directly on this form) (NO APA). Submit to the course assignment box by due date. (NOTE: you will be utilizing this information for 2 class discussions/assignments) *** Make-up initials for patient / client discussion. DO NOT INCLUDE ANY IDENTIFYING INFORMATION for your write up

To Begin:

Watch: Health Literacy Fun with Wayne State & DMC
Then Conduct the interview and submit results based on the following questions (DO NOT INCLUDE ANY IDENTIFYING INFORMATION for your write up)

Interview Information

Hello, my name is___________. Would you be willing to answer a few questions about yourself, health and your health priorities?

How do you define health for yourself?
Any cultural factors that influence your definition or attitudes related to health or self-care?
Are you currently employed? A student? Retired? Unemployed
How would you rate your health? On a scale from 1 to 10 (1 being very poor to 10 being excellent).
What is most important to you regarding your health?
What is /are your health priorities?
Can you give me any examples of when actions created a positive or negative change in health for you?
Are there barriers that prevent you from gaining health?
Do you have supportive people in your life that assist in you achieving your health priority?
What might be one thing you could do to meet your health priority? What steps would you take?
Is there any information might you need to meet your health needs? If so, what? What would you like to know?

I have some general questions next

Do you know what hypertension is? What about lumbar strain? What is a myocardial infarction?
How do you feel about vaccines?
Do you get a flu shot?
What have been your past experiences with health care?
Do you feel like you can talk to the nurses or medical doctors / primary care provider? Were your needs met?
Were the medical directions easy to understand?
Did the nurse and other providers meet your cultural needs?
Do you have any questions?

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