History Question


Select two to three buildings or sites that are fairly characteristic of the same time and place, i.e. clear examples of Neo-Assyrian urban planning, recognizably Gothic cathedrals, or quintessentially Modern skyscrapers. Research the buildings or sites and write an approximately 1500-word (approx. 5-6 pages) formal academic research paper driven by a thesis and argument that analyzes your chosen architectural examples within the contexts of their culture, period, or style.

Before drafting your paper you will want to:

  • describe your buildings/spaces, including interior and exterior architecture (if possible), with an emphasis on materials and techniques, form and ornament, color, texture, imagery, and any distinguishing characteristics – what does the building or site look like?
  • analyze the buildings/spaces within various stylistic contexts – how does this space or building compare to others of its time and place? These stylistic contexts may include artistic, social, cultural, economic, or political aspects (style is influenced by culture)
  • compare and contrast your buildings/spaces with other spaces from the same time and place – how are they similar or different? why?

You will also have to research your buildings/spaces and discuss them within their original stylistic contexts: Why are these structures good examples of buildings of this type from this period? Possible questions to ask in this context include:

  • How does the building or site demonstrate engagement with contemporary aesthetic debates about beauty, form, color, function, propriety or other issues? Why is this building a great example of architecture from this time and place?
  • How is the exterior and interior space organized? How is the building laid out? How are the functions of the space organized? Would this building be part of a larger group of related buildings or have been more self-contained?
  • What is the relationship between exterior architecture and interior architecture? How do the elements of the interior architectural frame (i.e. floors, windows, walls, ceilings, interior architectural details, etc.) relate to the exterior? Is there a relationship between interior and exterior architecture? Interior and exterior space?
  • How was the space designed and executed? Who would have been responsible for the aesthetic conception of the space? What were they trying to achieve/what principles guided them? Who would have executed the different components of the interior?
  • How are form and ornament used, including iconography or symbolism, sources, and cultural meanings?
  • Was this building commissioned by a patron? How did those networks of patronage function?
  • Does the architecture show the influence of other cultures, geographic areas, or time periods?
  • How was the space used and what can that tell us about the people who inhabited it and their wider culture?

All papers must include proper footnotes and bibliography in appropriate Chicago/Humanities format (see guide on Canvas).

All papers must include at least one clear image of each of your buildings or sites with a caption indicating name or title (e.g. Stonehenge), responsible parties (i.e. architect, etc.) and date.

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